106-145.3. Wholesale distributor must have license.
(a) Requirement. – Every wholesale distributor engaged in the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs in interstate commerce in this State shall obtain a license from the Commissioner for each location from which prescription drugs are distributed and shall renew each license annually. A license may cover multiple buildings and multiple operations at a single location, at the wholesale distributor’s discretion. A license expires on December 31 of the year in which it is issued. A wholesale distributor licensed under this section is not required to register under G.S. 106-140.1. In lieu of licensing under this section, a wholesale distributor who has no facilities in this State may register under G.S. 106-140.1 if the wholesale distributor possesses a valid license granted by another state that has requirements substantially similar to this Article.
(b) Reciprocity. – The Commissioner may license an out-of-State wholesale distributor on the basis of reciprocity with another state when the following conditions apply:
(1) The out-of-State wholesale distributor possesses a valid license granted by another state pursuant to requirements substantially equivalent to the license requirements of this State.
(2) The other state extends reciprocal treatment under its own laws to wholesale distributors licensed in this State. (1991, c. 699, s. 2.)