106-418.7. Authority of Board of Agriculture, North Carolina Public Livestock Market Advisory Board and the Commissioner.
The Board of Agriculture shall establish rules and regulations pertaining to the purchase and payment of livestock sold in this State at public livestock markets. The North Carolina Public Livestock Market Advisory Board shall recommend rules and regulations pertaining to the administration of this Article to the Board of Agriculture for their consideration. The Commissioner is authorized to revoke any livestock market operator’s license issued or to refuse to issue a livestock market license to any person as hereinafter provided upon satisfactory proof that said person has repeatedly violated any of the provisions of this Article or any of the rules and regulations made and promulgated thereunder; provided that no license shall be revoked or refused until the person, firm or corporation shall have first been given an opportunity to appear at a hearing before the Commissioner or his agent. Any person who is refused a license, or whose license is revoked by any order of the Commissioner, may appeal within 30 days from said order to the Superior Court of Wake County or the superior court of the county of his residence. (1973, c. 38, s. 7; 1989, c. 770, s. 25.)