106-92.8. Tonnage fees: reporting system.
For the purpose of defraying expenses connected with the registration, inspection and analysis of the materials coming under this Article, each manufacturer or registrant shall pay to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services tonnage fees in addition to registration fees as follows: for agricultural liming material, fifty cents (50 ) per ton; for landplaster, fifty cents (50 ) per ton; excepting that these fees shall not apply to materials which are sold to fertilizer manufacturers for the sole purpose for use in the manufacture of fertilizer or to materials when sold in packages of 10 pounds or less.
Any manufacturer, importer, jobber, firm, corporation or person who distributes materials coming under this Article in this State shall make application for a permit to report the materials sold and pay the tonnage fees as set forth in this section.
The Commissioner of Agriculture shall grant such permits on the following conditions: The applicant’s agreement to keep such records as may be necessary to indicate accurately the tonnage of liming materials, etc., sold in the State and the applicant’s agreement for the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s authorized representative to examine such records to verify the tonnage statement. If the records are available electronically, the electronic records shall be made available to the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s authorized representative. The registrant shall report quarterly and pay the applicable tonnage fees quarterly, on or before the tenth day of October, January, April, and July of each year. The report and payment shall cover the tonnage of liming materials, etc., sold during the preceding quarter. The report shall be on forms furnished by the Commissioner. If the report is not filed and the tonnage fees paid by the last day of the month in which it is due, or if the report be false, the amount due shall bear a penalty of ten percent (10%) which shall be added to the tonnage fees due. If the report is not filed and the tonnage fees paid within 60 days of the date due, or if the report or tonnage be false, the Commissioner may revoke the permit and cancel the registration. (1979, c. 590; 1997-261, s. 109; 2011-145, s. 31.9; 2021-78, s. 8(a).)