115C-210.4. Duties of the Council.
It shall be the duty of the Advisory Council:
(1) To review annually relevant data on American Indian students using reports made available to the Council by the Department of Public Instruction. The review shall include, but not be limited to, data on academic performance, growth, suspension and expulsion events, dropouts, and graduation rates.
(2) To advocate for meaningful programs to reduce and eventually eliminate low achievement and concurrent high attrition rates among American Indian students.
(2a) To prepare an annual report that includes an action plan and make an annual presentation to the State Board of Education to advise the State Board on ways to meet the educational needs of American Indian students more effectively based on the State Board’s strategies, policies, and information.
(3) To present and share the annual report with the Indian Tribes and Indian organizations referenced in Article 71A of the General Statutes and organizations holding membership on the North Carolina State Commission of Indian Affairs pursuant to G.S. 143B-407 at the statewide Indian Unity Conference and with the North Carolina State Commission of Indian Affairs, along with an action plan based on recommendations.
(4) To work closely with the Department of Public Instruction, Tribal Leaders, and Title VII Coordinators to improve coordination and communication between and among programs.
(4a) To improve consultations among the State Board of Education, the Department of Public Instruction, and American Indian tribal communities, students, parents, and educators.
(5) To advise the State Board of Education on any other aspect of American Indian education when requested by the State Board to do so. (1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1084, s. 1; 1997-456, s. 27; 2013-295, s. 1.)