115C-234.10. Remote academy requirements.
(a) Except as provided in this Part, a remote academy shall meet the same requirements required in this Chapter as other public schools governed by local boards of education.
(b) A remote academy shall provide all of the following to enrolled students:
(1) Any hardware and software needed to participate in the remote academy. Students may not be charged rental fees but may be charged damage fees for abuse or loss of hardware or software under rules adopted by the State Board of Education.
(2) Access to a learning management platform that enables monitoring of student performance and school-owned devices, as well as allows video conferencing and supervised text-based chat for synchronous communication.
(3) Access to the internet that is available during instructional hours, evenings, and weekends.
(4) Technical support that is available during instructional hours.
(5) For children with an individualized education program (IEP), as defined in G.S. 115C-106.3, or a section 504 plan, 29 U.S.C. 794, adaptive or assistive devices, transportation, and in-person services as required by that program or plan.
(c) A remote academy may require students to attend in person to fulfill State-mandated student assessments or graduation requirements. A remote academy may conduct optional in-person meetings between students and instructors or parents and instructors at a local school administrative unit facility.
(d) The employees of a remote academy shall meet the same licensure and evaluation requirements as required for in-person employees of the local school administrative unit. The remote academy shall ensure sufficient digital teaching and learning support staff, including, at a minimum, the following:
(1) An instructional technology facilitator.
(2) A school library media coordinator.
(3) A data manager.
(4) Sufficient remote technicians to ensure technical support throughout the instructional day for staff and students. (2022-59, s. 2(a); 2022-74, s. 7.13(c).)