115C-238.53. Operation of cooperative innovative high schools.
(a) A cooperative innovative high school approved by the State is accountable to the local board of education.
(b) A cooperative innovative high school approved under this Part shall operate under the terms of a written agreement signed by the local board of education, local board of trustees, State Board of Education, and applicable governing Board. The agreement shall incorporate the information provided in the application, as modified during the approval process, and any terms and conditions imposed on the school by the State Board of Education and the applicable governing Board. The agreement may be for a term of no longer than five school years.
(c) A cooperative innovative high school may be operated in a facility owned or leased by the local board of education, the local board of trustees, or the education partner, if any.
(d) A cooperative innovative high school approved under this Part shall provide instruction each school year for at least 185 days or 1,025 instructional hours during nine calendar months, shall comply with laws and policies relating to the education of students with disabilities, and shall comply with Article 27 of this Chapter. The requirements of G.S. 115C-84.2 shall not apply to the school calendar of a program approved under this Part.
(e) A cooperative innovative high school approved under this Part may use State, federal, and local funds allocated to the local school administrative unit, to the applicable governing Board, and to the partner institution of higher education to implement its program. If there is an education partner and if it is a public body, the cooperative innovative high school may use State, federal, and local funds allocated to that body.
(f) Except as provided in this Part and under the terms of the agreement, cooperative innovative high schools:
(1) Shall have the same exemptions from statutes and rules as charter schools operating under Article 14A of this Chapter, other than those pertaining to personnel.
(2) May be exempted by the State Board of Education or by the applicable governing Board from laws and rules applicable to a local board of education, a local school administrative unit, a community college, a constituent institution, or a local board of trustees. (2003-277, s. 2; 2005-276, s. 7.33(a); 2010-182, s. 1; 2012-142, ss. 7.11(e), 7A.11(c); 2012-145, s. 2.5; 2014-101, s. 7; 2021-130, s. 3(d).)