115C-269.20. Content and pedagogy requirements.
(a) Content and Pedagogy Requirements. – To ensure that EPPs remain current and reflect a rigorous course of study that is aligned to State and national standards, the State Board shall require at least the following minimum requirements with demonstrated competencies in its rules:
(1) All EPPs shall include instruction in the following:
a. The identification and education of children with disabilities.
b. Positive management of student behavior and effective communication techniques for defusing and de-escalating disruptive or dangerous behavior.
c. Demonstration of competencies in using digital and other instructional technologies to provide high-quality, integrated digital teaching and learning to all students.
d. The skills and responsibilities required of educators.
e. The expectations for student performance based on State standards.
f. The supply of and demand for educators in this State, as identified in the vacancy report required by G.S. 115C-299.5(e).
g. The State’s framework for appraisal of educators.
(2) (Applicable to educator preparation programs applying for approval or renewing approval before July 1, 2022) EPPs providing training for elementary education teachers shall include the following:
a. Adequate coursework in the teaching of reading, writing, and mathematics.
b. Assessment prior to licensure to determine if a student possesses the requisite knowledge in scientifically based reading, writing, and mathematics instruction that is aligned with the State Board’s expectations.
c. Instruction in application of formative and summative assessments within the school and classroom setting through technology-based assessment systems available in State schools that measure and predict expected student improvement.
d. Instruction in integration of arts education across the curriculum.
(2) (Applicable to educator preparation programs applying for approval or renewing approval on or after July 1, 2022) EPPs providing training for elementary education teachers shall include the following:
a. Adequate coursework in the teaching of mathematics.
a1. Coursework in the Science of Reading, as defined in G.S. 115C-83.3.
b. Assessment prior to licensure to determine if a student possesses the requisite knowledge in scientifically based reading, writing, and mathematics instruction that is aligned with the State Board’s expectations.
c. Instruction in application of formative and summative assessments within the school and classroom setting through technology-based assessment systems available in State schools that measure and predict expected student improvement.
d. Instruction in integration of arts education across the curriculum.
(3) (Applicable to educator preparation programs applying for approval or renewing approval before July 1, 2022) EPPs providing training for elementary and special education general curriculum teachers shall ensure that students receive instruction in early literacy intervention strategies and practices that are aligned with State and national reading standards and shall include the following:
a. Instruction in the teaching of reading, including a substantive understanding of reading as a process involving oral language, phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Instruction shall include appropriate application of instructional supports and services and reading interventions to ensure reading proficiency for all students.
b. Instruction in evidence-based assessment and diagnosis of specific areas of difficulty with reading development and of reading deficiencies.
c. Instruction in appropriate application of instructional supports and services and reading interventions to ensure reading proficiency for all students.
(3) (Applicable to educator preparation programs applying for approval or renewing approval on or after July 1, 2022) EPPs providing training for elementary and special education general curriculum teachers shall ensure that students receive instruction in early literacy intervention strategies and practices that are aligned with the Science of Reading and State and national reading standards and shall include the following:
a. Instruction in the teaching of reading, including a substantive understanding of reading as a process involving oral language, phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Instruction shall include appropriate application of literacy interventions to ensure reading proficiency for all students.
b. Instruction in evidence-based assessment and diagnosis of specific areas of difficulty with reading development and of reading deficiencies.
c. Instruction in appropriate application of literacy interventions to ensure reading proficiency for all students.
(4) EPPs providing training for middle and high school teachers shall include the following:
a. Adequate coursework in the relevant content area. For clinical residency programs, students may instead demonstrate mastery of the relevant content area through the passage of the relevant content area examination approved by the State Board.
b. Adequate coursework in the teaching of the relevant content area.
c. For EPPs providing training for science teachers, adequate preparation in issues related to science laboratory safety.
(b) Reserved. (2017-189, s. 2(i); 2021-8, s. 4(a), (b).)