115C-64.15. North Carolina Education and Workforce Innovation Commission.
(a) There is created the North Carolina Education and Workforce Innovation Commission (Commission). The Commission shall be located administratively in the Department of Public Instruction but shall exercise all its prescribed powers independently of the Department of Public Instruction. Of the funds appropriated for the Education and Workforce Innovation Program established under G.S. 115C-64.16, up to ten percent (10%) of those funds each fiscal year may be used by the Department of Public Instruction to provide technical assistance and administrative assistance, including staff, to the Commission and for reimbursements and expenses for the Commission for the Education and Workforce Innovation Program and the Career and Technical Education Grade Expansion Program.
(b) The Commission shall consist of the following 14 members:
(1) The Secretary of Commerce or his or her designee.
(2) The State Superintendent of Public Instruction or his or her designee.
(3) The Chair of the State Board of Education or his or her designee.
(4) The President of The University of North Carolina or his or her designee.
(5) The President of the North Carolina Community College System or his or her designee.
(6) Three members appointed by the Governor who have experience in education.
(7) Three members appointed by the General Assembly upon recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as provided in G.S. 120-121, who have experience in businesses operating in North Carolina.
(8) Three members appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, as provided in G.S. 120-121, who have experience in businesses operating in North Carolina.
(b1) Members appointed by the Governor or the General Assembly shall serve for three-year terms commencing July 1 of the year of appointment and may serve successive terms.
(c) The Commission members shall elect a chair from the membership of the Commission. The Commission shall meet at least three times annually on the call of the Chair or as additionally provided by the Commission. A quorum is six members of the Commission. Members may not send designees to Commission meetings nor may they vote by proxy.
(d) The Commission shall develop and administer the Education and Workforce Innovation Program, as established under G.S. 115C-64.16, in collaboration with the North Carolina Career and Technical Education Foundation, Inc., and make awards of grants under the Program.
(d1) The Commission shall develop and administer, in coordination with the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and in collaboration with the North Carolina Career and Technical Education Foundation, Inc., the Career and Technical Education Grade Expansion Program, as established under G.S. 115C-64.17, and shall make awards of grants under the Program.
(d2) The North Carolina Career and Technical Education Foundation, Inc., shall serve as a grant administrator by providing assistance and support to grantees for initiating, expanding, improving, and promoting career and technical education initiatives.
(e) The Commission, in consultation with the North Carolina Career and Technical Education Foundation, Inc., shall publish a report on the Education and Workforce Innovation Program and the Career and Technical Education Grade Expansion Program on or before April 30 of each year. The report shall be submitted to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee, the State Board of Education, the State Board of Community Colleges, and the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina. The report shall include at least all of the following information:
(1) An accounting of how funds and personnel resources were utilized for each program and their impact on student achievement, retention, and employability.
(2) Recommended statutory and policy changes.
(3) Recommendations for improvement of each program.
(4) For the Career and Technical Education Grade Expansion Program, recommendations on increasing availability of grants after the first two years of the program to include additional local school administrative units or providing additional grants to prior recipients. (2013-360, s. 8.34(a); 2013-363, s. 3.10(a); 2014-100, s. 23.1(e); 2017-57, ss. 7.23F(a), 7.23G(b); 2019-165, s. 5; 2020-78, s. 2.2(a).)