116-303. Guidelines and additional policies authorized.
(a) The Board of Governors, and the constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina subject to approval of the Board of Governors, may adopt additional policies and guidelines to further the purposes of the policies adopted pursuant to this Article. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to prevent institutions from regulating student speech or activity that is prohibited by law. Except as further limited by this Article, constituent institutions shall be allowed to restrict student expression only for expressive activity not protected by the First Amendment, including all of the following:
(1) Violations of State or federal law.
(2) Expression that a court has deemed unprotected defamation.
(3) Unlawful harassment.
(4) True threats, which are defined as statements meant by the speaker to communicate a serious expression of intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals.
(5) An unjustifiable invasion of privacy or confidentiality not involving a matter of public concern.
(6) An action that substantially disrupts the function of the constituent institutions.
(7) Reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on expressive activities, consistent with G.S. 116-300(4).
(8) Speech that interferes with the treatment of patients.
(b) The Board of Governors shall develop a policy that requires each constituent institution to identify the officer, office, or department with responsibilities for ensuring compliance with this Article and for answering any related questions or concerns. This policy shall require that any officer with these responsibilities receive training on ensuring compliance with this Article. Such training shall be developed and provided by the University of North Carolina School of Government (2017-196, ss. 1, 2.)