121-12.2. Procedures for preparing budget requests and expending appropriations for grants-in-aid.
Requests for funding may be submitted by these organizations to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. If received by any other department of State government except the General Assembly they shall be forwarded to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. All such requests shall be subjected to the process described in G.S. 121-12.1 and included in the Department’s biennial budget request submitted in compliance with the Executive Budget Act.
The Department of Natural and Cultural Resources shall notify on a timely basis and in appropriate detail all those recipients of continuing appropriations as grants-in-aid of the requirements for submission of requests for appropriations for the ensuing fiscal period.
The Secretary of Natural and Cultural Resources is empowered and directed, in discharging the responsibilities herein assigned, to make regular and timely reviews, studies and recommendations concerning the operations and needs of these organizations for State funds, and to request from the applicants for grants and the recipients of grants through the Department, operating statements, audit reports and other information deemed appropriate. (1977, c. 802, s. 47; 1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1014, s. 171(d); 2015-241, s. 14.30(s), (t).)