147-54.6. International relations assistance.
(a) The Secretary of State may offer direct and indirect assistance in matters relating to international relations and protocol to other governmental agencies and units of the State of North Carolina. The assistance may be provided upon request of the intended recipient when resources are available for these purposes.
(b) The Secretary of State, on behalf of the State, may accept gifts, donations, devises, or other forms of voluntary contributions, apply for grants from public and private sources, and may expend funds received under this subsection for the purpose of promoting international relations and hosting foreign dignitaries and leaders in North Carolina. All funds and gifts received pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to audit by the Office of the State Auditor and all funds shall be expended in conformity with the Executive Budget Act and shall become the property of the State. (1999-260, s. 3; 2011-284, s. 104.)