163-19. State Board of Elections; appointment; term of office; vacancies; oath of office.
(a) There is established the State Board of Elections, which may be referred to as the "State Board" in this Chapter.
(b) The State Board of Elections shall consist of five registered voters whose terms of office shall begin on May 1, 2019, and shall continue for four years, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. The Governor shall appoint the members of the State Board and likewise shall appoint their successors every four years at the expiration of each four-year term. Not more than three members of the State Board shall be members of the same political party. The Governor shall appoint the members from a list of nominees submitted to the Governor by the State party chair of each of the two political parties having the highest number of registered affiliates as reflected by the latest registration statistics published by the State Board. Each party chair shall submit a list of four nominees who are affiliated with that political party. No person may serve more than two consecutive four-year terms.
(c) Any vacancy occurring in the State Board shall be filled by the Governor, and the person so appointed shall fill the unexpired term. The Governor shall fill the vacancy from a list of three nominees submitted to the Governor by the State party chair of the political party that nominated the vacating member as provided in subsection (b) of this section. The three nominees must be affiliated with that political party.
(d) At the first meeting held after new appointments are made, the members of the State Board shall take the following oath:
"I, ____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States; that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of North Carolina, and to the constitutional powers and authorities which are or may be established for the government thereof; that I will endeavor to support, maintain, and defend the Constitution of said State, and that I will well and truly execute the duties of the office of member of the State Board of Elections according to the best of my knowledge and ability, according to law, so help me God."
(e) After taking the prescribed oath, the State Board shall organize by electing one of its members chair and another secretary.
(f) No person shall be eligible to serve as a member of the State Board who:
(1) Holds any elective or appointive office under the government of the United States, the State of North Carolina, or any political subdivision thereof.
(2) Is a candidate for nomination or election to any office.
(3) Holds any office in a political party or organization.
(4) Is a campaign manager or treasurer of any candidate in a primary or election.
(5) Is currently an employee of the State, a community college, or a local school administrative unit.
(6) Within the 48 months prior to appointment, has held any of the following positions with an organization that has engaged in electioneering in those 48 months:
a. Director, officer, or governing board member.
b. Employee.
c. Lobbyist registered under Chapter 120C of the General Statutes.
d. Independent contractor.
e. Legal counsel of record.
(g) No person while serving on the State Board shall:
(1) Make a reportable contribution to a candidate for a public office over which the State Board would have jurisdiction or authority.
(2) Register as a lobbyist under Chapter 120C of the General Statutes.
(3) Make written or oral statements intended for general distribution or dissemination to the public at large supporting or opposing the nomination or election of one or more clearly identified candidates for public office.
(4) Make written or oral statements intended for general distribution or dissemination to the public at large supporting or opposing the passage of one or more clearly identified referendum or ballot issue proposals.
(5) Solicit contributions for a candidate, political committee, or referendum committee.
(6) Serve as a member of any other State board, as defined in G.S. 138A-3. (1901, c. 89, ss. 5, 7; Rev., ss. 2760, 4300, 4301; C.S., ss. 5921, 5922; 1933, c. 165, s. 1; 1953, c. 428; 1967, c. 775, s. 1; 1975, c. 286; 1985, c. 62, ss. 1, 1.1; 2005-276, s. 23A.3; 2006-262, s. 4.2; 2013-381, s. 45.1(a); 2017-6, ss. 4(c), 7(a); 2018-2, s. 8(b); 2018-13, s. 5; 2018-146, ss. 3.1(a)-(c), 3.2(a).)