§ 1695. Records of births, civil marriages, and deaths
(a) A record of births, civil marriages, or deaths required by law to be kept or any certified copy thereof, shall not be competent evidence in any trial to prove a fact stated therein, except the fact of birth, civil marriage, or death.
(b) “Fact of birth” shall include only the name of the child born, the sex thereof, the place and date of the birth, the name of the father, and the maiden name of the mother, except that in bastardy proceedings a birth certificate shall not be evidence to prove the identity of the father.
(c) “Fact of civil marriage” shall include only the name of the parties to the civil marriage, the place and date of the civil marriage ceremony, and the name of the clergy or magistrate officiating at such ceremony.
(d) “Fact of death” shall include only the names of the deceased person, his or her sex, and the date and place of his or her death.