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Home » US Law » 2022 Vermont Statutes » Title 26 - Professions and Occupations » Chapter 57 - Review of Regulatory Laws » § 3108. Preliminary assessment of scope of practice

§ 3108. Preliminary assessment of scope of practice

(a) Office preliminary assessment.

(1) Prior to review under this chapter and consideration by the General Assembly of any bill to materially amend the scope of practice permitted for a regulated profession or occupation, and upon the request of the House or Senate Committee on Government Operations or, in the case of a health care profession, the House Committee on Health Care or the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare or upon the direct petition from a regulated profession or occupation, the Office shall make, in writing, a preliminary assessment of whether the proposed scope of practice amendment is consistent with the principles and standards set forth in this chapter.

(2) The Office shall report its preliminary assessment to the House and Senate Committees on Government Operations and, where a report pertains to a health care profession, to the House Committee on Health Care and the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare.

(b) Required supporting information. A profession proposing by petition a material amendment of a scope of practice shall explain each of the following factors, in writing, to the extent requested by the Office or the House or Senate Committee on Government Operations, not later than July 1 of the year preceding the next regular session of the General Assembly:

(1) A description of the practices and activities that the profession or occupation would be permitted to engage in if the scope of practice is amended.

(2) Public health, safety, or welfare benefits, including economic benefits that the requestor believes will be achieved if the request is implemented and, if applicable, a description of any harm to public health if the request is implemented.

(3) The impact the amendment of the scope of practice will have on the public’s access to occupational services.

(4) A description of the current laws and regulations, both federal and State, pertaining to the profession, including a description of the current education, training, and examination requirements and any relevant certification requirements applicable to the profession for which the amended scope of practice is being sought.

(5) The extent to which the public can be confident that a practitioner is competent to perform the activities and practices permitted under the amended scope of practice, including a description of the nature and duration of the education and training for performing these activities and practices, if any. The description of the education and training shall include the following information:

(A) whether the educational requirement includes a substantial amount of supervised practical experience;

(B) a description of the courses and professional educational programs, including relevant syllabi and curricula, training professionals to perform the activities and practices being proposed under the expanded scope of practice;

(C) whether educational programs exist in this State;

(D) whether there will be an experience requirement;

(E) whether the experience must be acquired under a registered, certified, or licensed practitioner;

(F) whether there are alternative routes of entry or methods of satisfying the eligibility requirements and qualifications; and

(G) whether all applicants will be required to pass an examination and, if an examination is required, by whom it will be developed and how the costs of development will be met.

(6) A description of how the request relates to the profession’s ability to practice to the full extent of the profession’s education and training.

(7) For health care professionals, a description of the impact an amendment to the scope of practice will have within the health care system, including:

(A) the anticipated economic impact such an expansion will have for the system, for patients, and for other health care providers; and

(B) identification of any health care professions that can reasonably be anticipated to be directly impacted by the request, the nature of the impact, and efforts made by the requestor to discuss the request with such health care professionals.

(8) A summary of the known scope of practice changes either requested or enacted in the State concerning the profession in the five-year period preceding the date of the current request.

(9) A summary of regional and national trends, legislation, laws, and regulations concerning licensure of the profession making the request, and a summary of relevant scope of practice provisions enacted in other states.

(10) How the standards of the profession or occupation will be maintained, including whether effective quality assurance standards pertaining to the activities and practices permitted under the proposed expanded scope of practice exist in the profession or occupation, such as legal requirements associated with specific programs that define or enforce standards.

(11) A profile of the practitioners in this State, including a list of associations, organizations, and other groups representing the practitioners and including an estimate of the number of practitioners in each group.

(c) Exemption. In lieu of submitting a scope of practice request as described in subsection (b) of this section, a person proposing an amendment to a scope of practice may submit a request for an exemption. The request for exemption shall be submitted to the Office not later than July 1 of the year preceding the next regular session of the General Assembly and shall include a plain language description of the request. The Office may grant the exemption if:

(1) there exist exigent circumstances that necessitate an immediate response to the request, and the delay imposed by analysis would threaten the public health, safety, or welfare;

(2) there is not substantial dispute concerning the scope of practice request; or

(3) the requested amendment is not material, meaning the amendment would not alter the balance of risks and harms to the public health, safety, or welfare; the regulatory burdens on any other group; or the enforcement authority or character of the regulatory program.

(d) Impacted persons; statements and replies.

(1) Any person acting on behalf of a profession that may be directly impacted by a scope of practice request submitted pursuant to this section may submit to the Office a written statement identifying the nature of the impact not later than October 1 of the year preceding the next regular session of the General Assembly. That person shall indicate the nature of the impact by taking into consideration the criteria set forth in subsection (b) of this section and shall provide a copy of the written impact statement to the requestor.

(2) Not later than October 15 of that year, the requestor shall submit a written response to the Office and the person that provided the written impact statement. The requestor’s written response shall include a description of areas of agreement and disagreement between the respective professions.

(e) Consultation with Commissioner and boards.

(1) If an assessment under this section addresses activities that would constitute the “practice of medicine” as defined in subdivision 1311(1) of this title, the Office shall give written notice to the Commissioner of Health and any professional regulatory board or boards having jurisdiction over some or all of the regulated acts. The Office shall include with such notice a copy of the supporting information received from the requestor pursuant to subsection (b) of this section. Notice shall be given within 14 days after receipt of the requestor’s supporting information.

(2) The Office shall consult the Commissioner and relevant board or boards with respect to the requestor’s assertions under subsection (b) of this section. After consulting with the Office, and on or before November 15 of the year preceding the next regular session of the General Assembly, the Commissioner or relevant board or boards may file with the Office any written commentary they wish the Office to consider. Submitted commentary shall be appended to the Office’s final report or assessment filed with the General Assembly. (Added 2019, No. 178 (Adj. Sess.), § 16, eff. Oct. 1, 2020; amended 2021, No. 115 (Adj. Sess.), § 12, eff. July 1, 2022.)