§ 902. Master electricians
(a) To be eligible for licensure as a master electrician, an applicant shall:
(1) have been licensed as a journeyman electrician under this chapter for at least two years; or
(2) have had comparable experience and training, within or without this State, acceptable to the Board; and
(3) pass an examination to the satisfaction of the Board.
(b) Upon successful completion of the examination and payment of the required fee, the applicant shall receive a master electrician’s license in the form of a wallet-size card. This license shall be carried by the master electrician at all times while performing his or her trade and shall be displayed upon request. Upon the request by the licensee and upon payment of the required fee, the Board shall issue a license certificate suitable for framing.
(c) A person licensed under this chapter as a master electrician is entitled to design, install, repair, maintain, and replace electrical installations including lightning rods, fire alarms, and fire detection systems as his or her principal business or in the course of another business conducted by him or her, and may employ other persons licensed under this chapter or electrician’s helpers to perform work in connection with electrical installations under his or her direction. (Added 1969, No. 284 (Adj. Sess.), § 3; amended 1971, No. 42, § 1, eff. April 7, 1971; 1973, No. 214 (Adj. Sess.), § 25; 1979, No. 121 (Adj. Sess.), § 4; 1987, No. 274 (Adj. Sess.), § 13.)