90B-7. Titles and qualifications for certificates and licenses.
(a) Each person desiring to obtain a certificate or license from the Board shall make application to the Board upon such forms and in such manner as the Board shall prescribe, together with the required application fee established by the Board.
(b) The Board shall issue a certificate as "Certified Social Worker" to an applicant who meets the following qualifications:
(1) Has a bachelors degree in social work from a college or university social work program approved, accredited, or admitted to candidacy for accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education for undergraduate curricula.
(2) Has passed the Board-approved qualifying examination.
(c) The Board shall issue a certificate as "Certified Master Social Worker" to an applicant who meets the following qualifications:
(1) Has a masters or doctoral degree in social work from a college or university social work program approved, accredited, or admitted to candidacy for accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education.
(2) Has passed the Board-approved qualifying examination.
(d) The Board shall issue a license as a "Licensed Clinical Social Worker" to an applicant who meets the following qualifications:
(1) Has a masters or doctoral degree in social work from a college or university social work program approved, accredited, or admitted to candidacy for accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education.
(2) Shows to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she has had two years of clinical social work experience with appropriate supervision in the field of specialization in which the applicant will practice.
(3) Has passed the Board-approved qualifying examination.
(e) The Board shall issue a certificate as a "Certified Social Work Manager" to an applicant who meets the following qualifications:
(1) Has a bachelor’s degree in social work from a college or university social work program approved, accredited, or admitted to candidacy for accreditation, by the Council on Social Work Education for undergraduate curricula.
(2) Shows to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she has had two years of experience in an administrative setting with appropriate supervision and training.
(3) Has passed the Board-approved qualifying examination.
(f) The Board may issue an associate license in clinical social work to a person who has a masters or doctoral degree in social work from a college or university social work program approved, accredited, or in candidacy for accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education and who desires to be licensed as a licensed clinical social worker. The associate license may not be issued for a period exceeding two years and the person issued the associate license must practice under the supervision of a licensed clinical social worker or a Board-approved alternate. The associate licensee shall complete all requirements for licensed clinical social worker licensure within three renewal cycles, or a total of six years, unless otherwise directed by the Board. Associate licensees who fail to satisfy all requirements for licensed clinical social worker licensure within six years from the date of associate license issuance may apply for a new associate license. However, the Board shall not issue a subsequent associate license to an applicant until the applicant has passed the qualifying examination required by the Board. Supervision and experience hours acquired under an associate license shall expire six years from the date of initial associate license issuance, and expired supervision and experience hours shall not apply toward future licensure. (1983, c. 495, s. 1; 1991, c. 732, s. 4; 1999-313, s. 1; 2007-379, s. 3; 2012-72, s. 3; 2019-240, s. 10(a).)