§1394. Arbitration service providers
1. Providers of consumer arbitrations. Beginning January 1, 2011, a provider shall collect, publish at least quarterly and make available to the public in a computer-searchable format, which must be available on the publicly accessible website of the provider, if any, and on paper upon request, all of the following information for each consumer arbitration with which the provider was involved:
A. The name of the nonconsumer party, if the nonconsumer party is a corporation or other business entity; [PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]
B. The type of dispute involved, such as goods, banking, wireless communications, health care, debt collection and employment; [PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]
C. If the dispute involved employment, the amount of the employee’s annual wage divided into the following ranges:
(1) Less than $100,000;
(2) From $100,000 to $250,000; or
(3) More than $250,000; [PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]
D. Whether the consumer was the prevailing party; [PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]
E. The number of times a business that is a party to the consumer arbitration had previously been a party to a mediation or arbitration in which the provider was involved; [PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]
F. Whether the consumer was represented by an attorney; [PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]
G. The dates the provider received the demand for arbitration, the arbitrator was appointed and the disposition of the arbitration was rendered; [PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]
H. The type of disposition of the arbitration, including withdrawal, abandonment, settlement, award after hearing, award without hearing, default and dismissal without hearing; [PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]
I. The amount of the claim and the amount of any award or relief granted; [PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]
J. The name of the arbitrator, the amount of the arbitrator’s fee for the arbitration and the percentage of the arbitrator’s fee allocated to each party; and [PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]
K. Whether the provider has or within the preceding year had a financial interest in a party or the legal representation of a party in the arbitration or a party or legal representative of a party in the arbitration has or within the preceding year had a financial interest in the provider. [PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]
Once the information is published and made available, it must remain available for at least 5 years. If the information required by this subsection is available in a computer-searchable format and downloadable for free on the provider’s publicly accessible website, the provider may charge a requestor for the cost of copying the information on paper. If the information required by this subsection is not available for free on the provider’s publicly accessible website, the provider may not charge a requestor for the information in paper form.
[PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]2. Notice to Attorney General; links on website. A provider that provides arbitration services in this State shall notify the consumer protection division of the Office of the Attorney General in writing of any website upon which the information required under subsection 1 is posted. The provider shall inform the consumer protection division of the Office of the Attorney General if it discontinues the use of any website previously reported. The Attorney General shall include the links to the providers on the Attorney General’s publicly accessible website.
[PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]3. Liability in providing information. A provider has no liability for collecting, publishing or distributing the information required under subsection 1.
[PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).]SECTION HISTORY
PL 2009, c. 572, §7 (NEW).