§3853. Writ for enforcement
The form of writ for enforcing such lien shall be in substance as follows:
“State of Maine. …., ss.
To the sheriff of our County of …., or either of his deputies:
We command you to attach the vessel” (here give such a description of the vessel as will identify it,) “in an action brought by” (name of plaintiff) “of” (plaintiff’s place of residence including town and county) “against” (name of defendant) “of” (defendant’s place of residence including town and county) “in the Superior Court for said County of …., in which action the said” (name of plaintiff) “claims a lien on said vessel for” (here describe briefly the nature of the lien) “to the amount of …. dollars and …. cents, and make due return of this writ with your doings thereon. …. Clerk of said Superior Court (Seal of the court) Dated ….”
The action shall be brought in the county where the vessel is.