RCW 10.05.050
Report to court—Recommended treatment plan—Commitment to provide treatment.
(1) The program, or the department of social and health services if the petition is brought under RCW 10.05.020(2), shall make a written report to the court stating its findings and recommendations after the examination required by RCW 10.05.040. If its findings and recommendations support treatment or the implementation of a child welfare service plan, it shall also recommend a treatment or service plan setting out:
(a) The type;
(b) Nature;
(c) Length;
(d) A treatment or service time schedule; and
(e) Approximate cost of the treatment or child welfare services.
(2) In the case of a child welfare service plan, the plan shall be designed in a manner so that a parent who successfully completes the plan will not be likely to withhold the basic necessities of life from his or her child.
(3) The report with the treatment or service plan shall be filed with the court and a copy given to the petitioner and petitioner’s counsel. A copy of the treatment or service plan shall be given to the prosecutor by petitioner’s counsel at the request of the prosecutor. The evaluation facility, or the department of social and health services if the petition is brought under RCW 10.05.020(2), making the written report shall append to the report a commitment by the treatment program or the department of social and health services that it will provide the treatment or child welfare services in accordance with this chapter. The facility or the service provider shall agree to provide the court with a statement every three months for the first year and every six months for the second year regarding (a) the petitioner’s cooperation with the treatment or child welfare service plan proposed and (b) the petitioner’s progress or failure in treatment or child welfare services. These statements shall be made as a declaration by the person who is personally responsible for providing the treatment or services.
[ 2018 c 201 § 9006; 2002 c 219 § 10; 1985 c 352 § 8; 1975 1st ex.s. c 244 § 5.]NOTES:
Findings—Intent—Effective date—2018 c 201: See notes following RCW 41.05.018.
Intent—Finding—2002 c 219: See note following RCW 9A.42.037.
Legislative finding—Severability—1985 c 352: See notes following RCW 10.05.010.