RCW 10.05.155
Deferred prosecution program for domestic violence behavior—Requirements.
A deferred prosecution program for domestic violence behavior, or domestic violence co-occurring with substance abuse or mental health, must include, but is not limited to, the following requirements:
(1) Completion of a risk assessment;
(2) Participation in the level of treatment recommended by the program as outlined in the current treatment plan;
(3) Compliance with the contract for treatment;
(4) Participation in any ancillary or co-occurring treatments that are determined to be necessary for the successful completion of the domestic violence intervention treatment including, but not limited to, mental health or substance use treatment;
(5) Domestic violence intervention treatment within the purview of this section to be completed with a state-certified domestic violence intervention treatment program;
(6) Signature of the petitioner agreeing to the terms and conditions of the treatment program;
(7) Proof of compliance with any active order to surrender weapons issued in this program or related civil protection orders or no-contact orders.
[ 2019 c 263 § 708.]NOTES:
Findings—Intent—2019 c 263 §§ 202-803: See note following RCW 10.01.240.
Effective date—2019 c 263 §§ 501-504, 601, 602, and 701-708: See note following RCW 9.94A.500.