- The general assembly finds, determines, and declares that the matters addressed in this part 13 are of the utmost urgency. Accordingly, the commissioner is authorized to, and shall, adopt emergency rules implementing this part 13 immediately. In addition, the commissioner is empowered to issue all necessary orders to implement this part 13 as soon as is practicable.
- To cover the commissioner’s startup costs, the commissioner may assess insurers participating in the association based on each insurer’s proportion of the total voluntary Colorado workers’ compensation insurance written during calendar year 1994.
- All orders of the commissioner made pursuant to this part 13 shall be subject to judicial review by the court of appeals as provided in section 24-4-106 (11), C.R.S.; except that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, proceedings for review shall act as a stay of the enforcement of any order or decision of the insurance commissioner disapproving or ordering the withdrawal, adjustment, or termination of the effectiveness of any rate filing made by or on behalf of the association on the ground that the rates or premiums for the business of the association are unreasonable or excessive, and the association may continue to charge rates pursuant to such filing pending final order of the court.
Source: L. 95: Entire part added, p. 735, § 1, effective May 23.