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Home » US Law » 2022 New York Laws » Consolidated Laws » EDN - Education » Title 1 - General Provisions » Article 21 - Vocational Rehabilitation » 1004-B – Integrated Employment Opportunities for Individuals With Severe Disabilities.
§ 1004-b. Integrated  employment  opportunities  for  individuals with
severe disabilities. 1. The department shall have the responsibility  to
stimulate  the development of programs intended to furnish opportunities
for integrated  employment  including  but  not  limited  to,  supported
employment  and  paid  competitive  work,  to  individuals  with  severe
disabilities, and to coordinate  with  state  agencies  responsible  for
furnishing  necessary  services  to individuals with severe disabilities
related to such opportunities.
  2.  State  integrated   employment   implementation   plan.   a.   The
commissioner,  in  consultation  with  and  with  the  agreement  of the
commissioners of mental health, the office for people with developmental
disabilities and social services shall develop a state interagency  plan
for  the  implementation  of  integrated  employment  opportunities  for
individuals with severe disabilities,  including  supported  employment.
Such  plan shall be designed so as to ensure that the state's integrated
employment efforts, including  the  supported  employment  program,  are
planned,  developed  and  implemented  comprehensively,  with  roles and
responsibilities of the  respective  agencies  well-defined.  Such  plan
shall   reflect   the   department's   primary  responsibility  for  the
development of integrated employment opportunities for individuals  with
severe   disabilities,  including  short-term  and  intensive  supported
employment services, as well as appropriate  responsibilities  for  long
term  extended  support  services.  Such plan shall specify the role and
responsibilities of each such agency in assuring that:

(i) services are provided fully and equitably;

(ii) an array of services is established and appropriate procedures are developed to allow persons with severe disabilities timely access to appropriate support services;

(iii) compatible definitions, program evaluation and accounting standards and reporting documents are implemented;

(iv) services and eligibility requirements are integrated and coordinated between agencies, including the manner in which appropriate responsibilities for funding and administering both short-term intensive and long-term extended support services for supported employment are to be implemented;

(v) funding sources are clearly defined and amounts are adequate to support persons with short-term intensive and long-term extended support needs;

(vi) all necessary steps are taken to maximize the success and cost effectiveness of such programs and the potential of persons served by such programs;

(vii) continuity of support services is not broken for individuals placed in an integrated employment setting in the event such placement is interrupted; and

(viii) eligibility standards are consistent regarding the placement of individuals in integrated work settings, including supported employment and other competitive work placements. b. In addition, the plan shall address the manner in which continued support for current programs will be maintained; and establishment grants will be provided. Such establishment grants shall include, but not be limited to, special projects which enhance the provision of supported employment and new integrated employment program initiatives which would target individuals who have severe disabilities who have aged-out or have otherwise exited the school system. In addition, such grants may be used to provide additional resources to existing programs for the purposes of increasing the numbers of persons served who have been determined by the commissioner to have been unserved or underserved. Such grants may also be used for new programs for these populations. c. The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioners of the office of mental health, the office for people with developmental disabilities and the department of social services, shall develop an audit protocol to verify the actual costs of providing such programs. 3. Reporting. a. It shall be the primary responsibility of the commissioner to provide annual reports on the progress of achieving the components of the implementation plan as contained in subdivision two of this section. In addition, such reports shall include:

(i) a current description of individuals served, and services and technical assistance provided;

(ii) employment status of persons transitioned from sheltered workshops, special education programs, day treatment centers, and day services programs into integrated employment programs, including supported employment programs and other competitive work placements;

(iii) incidence of persons in reverse transition between integrated employment programs, including supported employment programs and paid competitive work, and sheltered workshops, day treatment programs and day services programs; and

(iv) number of persons for whom employment in an integrated work setting has been requested and who are waiting for placement. The commissioners of the office of mental health, the office for people with developmental disabilities, and the department of social services shall provide any information required to assist the commissioner in making such report. b. The implementation plan shall be transmitted to the state's board of regents, the governor, the temporary president of the senate, the speaker of the assembly and the senate committee on finance, the assembly committee on ways and means, the senate committee on education and the assembly committee on education on or before October first, nineteen hundred ninety-three with a report on the status of the implementation plan transmitted on or before October first of each succeeding year.