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* § 1029. Powers of the board. The power conferred by this title shall be exercised by the board of directors of the authority, subject to the terms of such title. In the exercise of those powers, either directly or through its officers and employees, the board may do the following things, among others, and the following list of powers shall not be deemed complete or exclusive, or to deny the existence of other powers, whether similar or different, so long as they are reasonably necessary for accomplishing the purposes declared and indicated in this title:

1. To determine upon the location, type, size, construction, lease, purchase, ownership, acquisition, use and operation of any plant or plants or other structure or property, within or without the territorial limits of the district;

2. To acquire on behalf and in the name of the county or the authority, whether by agreement with and purchase from the owner or owners, or by condemnation, the whole or any part of any existing plant or plants or of any other property which it is authorized to acquire under this title;

3. Subject to the provisions of the public service law, and to its agreement with any municipality, to fix rates and charges for the furnishing or rendition of light, heat or power or of any connected service, and to collect through bills therefor which shall be rendered at least once in each calendar month the revenues derived therefrom;

4. To appoint and at pleasure discharge a secretary and such clerical, engineering, legal and other professional assistants as it may deem necessary for the purposes of this title and to fix their compensation;

5. To appoint and at pleasure remove all employees, to transfer employees from their positions to other positions and to consolidate or abolish such positions;

6. To enter upon any lands and within any building whenever in its judgment it may be necessary for the purpose of making surveys and examinations to accomplish any purpose authorized by this title;

7. When so authorized by resolution of the board of supervisors with respect to service within any town or by resolution of the governing body of any other municipality, to investigate the cost of operation of any light, heat or power utility or service within any municipality, and for such purpose to examine and inspect the records, books, papers, accounts and other documents of any owner, whether individual or corporate, of any plant or plants, within or without the territorial limits of the district, and to make copies thereof or extracts therefrom;

8. To make to the public service commission, the annual report prescribed by subdivision seven of section sixty-six of the public service law, which report shall be verified by the oath of the president of the authority;

9. By the whole, or by any one or more, of the members of the authority, to make any investigation which it may deem necessary to enable it effectually to carry out the provisions of this title and, for that purpose, to take and hear proofs and testimony, to compel the attendance of witnesses and to require the production of records, books, papers, accounts and other documents including public records;

10. To execute contracts, borrow money, issue bonds, certificates of indebtedness and other obligations, and sell or dispose of the same in such amounts and at such rates of interest as may be advisable. This shall include the power to dispose of its bonds or other obligations to, and to borrow money from, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, the federal emergency administrator of public works or any other federal or state agency, and it may also accept a grant from such corporation, administrator or agency, and donations from any public or private source;

11. To adopt, revise and amend rules and regulations to enable the authority to carry out the purposes of this title, every such rule and regulation, and each amendment thereof, to be filed with the county clerk;

12. Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of section seventy-seven of the public service law, to do whatever may be necessary to give effect to the purposes of this title, and in general to have and exercise all other powers necessary or incidental to the purposes of this title which may be exercised by a gas and electric corporation under the transportation corporation law.

* NB Terminated July 1, 1963