(a) Hunting and fishing.
(1) No hunting license shall be issued except in accordance with Title 12, section 11, Virgin Islands Code.
(2) No commercial fishing license shall be issued except in accordance with Title 12, chapter 9A, Virgin Islands Code.
(b) Scientists and collectors.
(1) In addition to the collection permits authorized under Title 12, section 14, Virgin Islands Code, the Commissioner may issue special permits to:
(A) Collectors for recognized museums, educational institutions, and scientific research organizations;
(B) Persons engaged in bona fide scientific research in connection with such organizations; and
(C) Persons engaged in approved recovery and propagation activities.
(2) Such permits shall be limited to a specific number of specimens of the desired species.
(3) Such permits may be issued only for scientific or educational purposes, or to enhance the recovery or propagation of that species.
(4) Such permits shall be issued free of charge. Specimens collected may not be sold or exchanged for anything of value. A separate transit permit, as described in subsection (d) of this section, shall be required before such specimens may be removed from the Territory.
(c) Aquarium collectors.
(1) The Commissioner may issue permits to aquarists, collectors, and other persons desiring to collect specimens of marine life forms, including live rock, whether or not for sale, and whether or not intended for shipment or export. There are three categories:
(A) A private aquarist collecting, not for sale, but for a personal aquarium of not more than fifty (50) gallons capacity;
(B) A person maintaining an aquarium of any size for a commercial purpose; and
(C) A collector for shipment, export, and sale.
(2) Such permit in all cases must specify the methods of collection to be employed, the place or places where such collection activities will be conducted, any restrictions on the number of each species or numbers of specimens to be taken, any specific requirements for the safe handling and storage of the specimens, and reports to be filed.
(3) Permits issued under subsection (c)(1)(B) and (C) of this section shall contain a schedule of fees based on a percentage of the wholesale market value of the species for which the permit is issued. The fee shall be not less than ten (10) percent of the established wholesale price of that species in Miami, Florida. Such fees shall be payable in advance and non-refundable.
(d) Transit permits.
(1) Any person desiring to ship or transport any live indigenous species from the Territory shall first obtain a transit permit from the Commissioner.
(2) Such permit shall specify:
(A) The species involved;
(B) The number of specimens of each species;
(C) Any special shipping restrictions;
(D) The name and address of consigner and consignee; and
(E) Evidence that all the necessary fees have been paid.
(e) Mangrove permits.
(1) The policy of the Territory is to prevent a net loss of wetlands to the maximum extent possible.
(2) The Commissioner may issue permits, on a case by case basis, for the pruning, cutting or removal of mangrove trees by species and area, in accordance with Title 12, chapter 21, Virgin Islands Code.
(f) Indigenous species retention permits.
- The Commissioner is authorized to issue permits to persons in possession of indigenous species, allowing them to retain such species for the treatment of injury or disease, propagation, or any other purpose consistent with the preservation, protection, conservation and enhancement of such indigenous species.
(g) [Repealed.]