(a) There is hereby confirmed, as the official seal of the Virgin Islands of the United States, the Great Seal of the Virgin Islands of the United States as described in subsection (b) of this section.
(b) The Great Seal of the Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States shall consist of the following design:
- In the foreground, a yellow breast (Coereba Flaveola), the official bird of the Virgin Islands, perched on a branch of the yellow cedar (Tecoma Stans), the official flower of the Virgin Islands, on the left end of which are three flowers, three seed pods and, on the right, three leaves of the plant; in the background, surrounding the bird and plant, are three islands representing the three major islands of the United States Virgin Islands, one with a sugarmill located on it, representing St. Croix, another with the Annaberg ruins, representing St. John, and the third with the Capitol Building, behind which are the flags of the United States of America and the Danneborg, representing St. Thomas; a scroll bearing the words, “United in Pride and Hope”, is located on the lower edge of the design directly below the island representing St. Croix. Encircling the above-described design the words “Government of” are inscribed in the upper portion of the circle, and the words “The United States Virgin Islands” are inscribed in the lower portion of the circle.
(c) The Great Seal of the Virgin Islands of the United States shall be used as the official seal of the departments and agencies of the Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States. However, nothing in this section shall be construed so as to limit use of other official seals by such departments and agencies or other branches of government.
(d) Any person who maliciously or for commercial purposes uses or allows to be used any reproduction or facsimile of the Great Seal of the Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States in any manner whatsoever is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $1,000 and imprisoned for not more than (6) months.
(e) No person may use official government stationery for private or other nonofficial use. Any person violating the provisions of this subsection shall be fined not more than $500.