§ 11-0323. Publication of Fish and Wildlife Law.1. The department shall compile and index each year after the adjournment of the legislature the laws relating to fish and wildlife, as well as invasive species (as defined in section 9-1703 and 9-1710 of this chapter), as amended to date. Copies of the compilation shall be printed in pamphlet form of pocket size in the number for which the legislature may appropriate funds.
2. The department shall also prepare a syllabus of such laws and information informing migratory game bird hunters where they can obtain information regarding open seasons and bag limits, federal regulations pursuant to sections 11-1721 and 11-1723 of this article and of laws relating to invasive species (as defined in section 9-1703 of this chapter). The department shall deliver copies of such syllabus to county, city, town and village clerks in numbers sufficient for the furnishing of one copy to each person to whom a hunting, trapping or fishing license is issued. Each such licensee shall be entitled to one copy of such syllabus.