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Home » US Law » 2022 New York Laws » Consolidated Laws » ENV - Environmental Conservation » Article 11 - Fish and Wildlife » Title 9 - Hunting » 11-0905 – Open Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits for Upland Game Birds and Small Game.
§ 11-0905. Open hunting seasons and bag limits for upland game birds and

small game.

1. Game of the species listed in column one of the table set forth below may be taken in the open season or seasons specified in column two opposite the name of the species, in the areas for which the open season is so specified, or if no area is specified, anywhere in the state. Such game, of the species listed in column one, may be taken to the extent of the bag limits specified in column three opposite the name of the species. Unless the bag limits are stated separately for different areas they limit the total amount of the species that may be taken by one person in a calendar year, whether hunting is done in one area or more than one area. Where the words "fixed annually by regulation" appear in column two or column three, the species may be taken in open seasons, and to the extent of bag limits, fixed by such regulations of the department pursuant to section 11-0903 or 11-0307.

2. Table

Column One Column Two Column Three

Species Open Season Bag Limit * a. Migratory game Fixed annually Fixed annually

birds, all species by federal by federal

regulation, regulation,

unless the unless the

state adopts state adopts

regulation regulation

* NB Effective until December 31, 2024 * a. Migratory game Fixed annually Fixed annually

birds, all species by regulation by regulation

* NB Effective December 31, 2024

b. Ruffed grouse Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

c. Hungarian partridge Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

d. Ring-necked Long Island November Long Island, four

pheasant 1 through December birds in one day,

31. Elsewhere, thirty during season.

fixed annually by Elsewhere, fixed

regulation annually by regulation

e. Quail Orange, Putnam and Orange, Putnam and

Westchester counties, Westchester counties;

fixed annually by four birds in one day,

regulation; ten during season.

Long Island, November Long Island, six birds

1 through December 31 in one day, forty

during season.

f. Black, gray and Fixed annually Fixed annually

fox squirrels by regulation by regulation

g. Varying hares Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

h. Cottontail rabbits Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

i. Frogs Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

j. Raccoon Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

k. Wild turkeys Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

l. European hare Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

m. Bobcat Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

n. Lynx Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

o. Coyote Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

p. Fox Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

q. Opossum Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

r. Weasel Fixed annually Fixed annually

by regulation by regulation

s. Common snapping Fixed annually by Fixed annually by

turtle regulation. Until regulation. Until

December 31, December 31,

2006 these species 2006 the bag

may be taken limit shall be five

from July 1 through per day, thirty

September 30. per season.

t. Diamondback Fixed annually Fixed annually

terrapin by regulation. by regulation.

u. Spotted salamander, Fixed annually by Fixed annually by

red-spotted newt, regulation. Until regulation. Until

dusky salamander, December 31, 2006, December 31, 2006,

red-backed sala- the open season the bag limit for

mander, northern for these species all species combined

slimy salamander shall be all year. shall be five in one

and two-lined day, and thirty total

salamander for the season.

v. Northern Fixed annually by Fixed annually by

water snake, brown regulation. Until regulation. Until

snake, red-bellied December 31, 2006, December 31, 2006,

snake, common the open season the bag limit for

garter, green for these species all species combined

snake, northern shall be all year. shall be five in one

ringneck snake day, and thirty total

and milk snake for the season.

3. Skunk, bobcat, coyote, fox, mink and muskrat may be hunted in any manner not prohibited in section 11-0901 during the open seasons for such species established in section 11-1103 or fixed by regulation as provided in section 11-1103. They may be taken in any number.

4. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this section or section 11-0903, the department is authorized to adopt regulations with respect to taking of small game and upland game birds by trained raptors as provided in title 10 of this article from October first through March thirty-first in areas where an open hunting season is established, or if no area is specified, anywhere in the state.