(1) If so found by the Director of the Division of Workforce Services, an individual shall be disqualified for benefits if he or she is discharged from his or her last work for misconduct in connection with the work.
(2) In cases of discharge for absenteeism, the individual shall be disqualified for misconduct in connection with the work if the discharge was pursuant to the terms of a bona fide written attendance policy, regardless of whether the policy is a fault or no-fault policy.
(A) Misconduct in connection with the work includes the violation of any behavioral policies of the employer as distinguished from deficiencies in meeting production standards or accomplishing job duties; and
(B) Without limitation:
(i) Disregard of an established bona fide written rule known to the employee; or
(ii) A willful disregard of the employer’s interest.
(A) Misconduct in connection with the work shall not be found for instances of poor performance unless the employer can prove that the poor performance was intentional.
(B) An individual’s repeated act of commission, omission, or negligence despite progressive discipline constitutes sufficient proof of intentional poor performance.
(C) An individual who refuses an alternate suitable job rather than being terminated for poor performance shall be considered discharged for misconduct in connection with the work.
(5) The disqualification under subsection (a) of this section shall continue until, subsequent to the effective date of the disqualification, the individual has had at least thirty (30) days of employment covered by an unemployment compensation law of this state, another state, or the United States.
(1) If an individual is discharged from his or her last work for misconduct in connection with the work on account of dishonesty, drinking on the job, reporting for work while under the influence of intoxicants, including a controlled substance, or willful violation of bona fide written rules or customs of the employer including those pertaining to his or her safety or the safety of fellow employees, persons, or company property, harassment, unprofessional conduct, or insubordination, he or she shall be disqualified until, subsequent to the date of the disqualification, the individual has been paid wages in two (2) quarters for insured work totaling not less than thirty-five (35) times his or her weekly benefit amount.
(A) If an individual is discharged for testing positive for an illegal drug pursuant to a United States Department of Transportation-qualified drug screen conducted in accordance with the employer’s bona fide written drug policy, the individual is disqualified until, subsequent to the date of the disqualification, the claimant has been paid wages in two (2) quarters for insured work totaling not less than thirty-five (35) times his or her weekly benefit amount.
(i) Any weekly benefits payable subsequent to the date of the disqualification under subdivision (b)(2)(A) of this section shall be terminated.
(ii) The termination shall apply only to benefits payable within the benefit year of the claim with respect to which the claimant is disqualified for testing positive for an illegal drug under subdivision (b)(2)(A) of this section.
(C) If an individual is disqualified under subdivision (b)(2)(A) of this section, a benefit paid to the individual with respect to any week of unemployment after the discharge shall not be charged to the account of the employer that discharged the individual if the benefit is based upon wages paid to the individual for employment before the discharge by the employer that discharged the individual.
(1) If so found by the director, an individual shall be disqualified for benefits if he or she is suspended from his or her last work for misconduct in connection with the work.
(2) Except as otherwise provided, the disqualification shall be for the duration of the suspension or eight (8) weeks, whichever is the lesser.