(a) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of this chapter, if the Director of the Division of Workforce Services finds that an employer’s business was closed solely because of the entrance of one (1) or more of the owners, officers, partners, or the majority stockholder into the armed forces of the United States or any of its allies, or of the United Nations, or into state active duty with the Arkansas National Guard, the employer’s account shall, for experience rating purposes, not be considered as terminated. If the business is resumed by the employer within one (1) year after the discharge or release of the person from active duty in the armed forces or from state active duty with the Arkansas National Guard, the employer’s experience shall be deemed to have been continuous through the closed period.
(b) The employer’s reserve ratio after returning from military duty shall be the ratio of the employer’s reserve, including regular benefits paid to any individual during the period the employer was in the armed forces, to the average of the employer’s annual payrolls for the three (3) or five (5) most recent calendar years for which the employer has reported taxable wages, whichever average is the lesser.
(c) However, successorship provisions shall apply to this account only if the business has been resumed by the employer.