§ 11-1501. Application of title.1. This title 15 of the Fish and Wildlife Law and regulations adopted pursuant hereto do not apply to (a) the taking of fish by angling as permitted in title 13; (b) the taking of fish or the use of nets in the marine and coastal district as defined in section 13-0103, or in a trout or black bass hatchery operated under permit from the department as provided in section 11-1909, or in a farm fish pond licensed as provided in section 11-1911 or in a fishing preserve licensed as provided in section 11-1913; (c) the sale or taking for sale of bait fish named in section 11-1315.
2. This title 15 and regulations adopted pursuant hereto do not restrict the use of landing nets in completing the catch of fish taken by hook and line, or limit the provisions of section 11-1315 authorizing use of nets and traps for taking bait fish, or of regulations of the department authorizing use of eel weirs and eel pots. It does not limit the provisions of section 11-0517, or the terms of any permit or license issued by the department pursuant to any other provision of the Fish and Wildlife Law.