§ 11-1723. Sale of game and trout; transportation within the state.1. a. Except as provided in paragraph b, game and trout required by section 11-1721 of this title to be identified, may be possessed, bought and sold, and subject to section 11-1725 of this title may be transported within and from within to without the state by any means.
b. No domestic duck, goose, brant or swan killed by shooting shall be bought or sold unless marked in accordance with requirements set forth in rules and regulations established by the department of the interior pursuant to 50 C.F.R. 21 as may be amended from time to time. Such information shall be provided by department press release and any other means that the department determines to be appropriate and effective, including posting on the department's public website.
2. No person shall sell or offer for sale any such game or trout unless it is so identified.