(a) The Director of Research shall:
(1) Organize and supervise the Research Division of the Council;
(2) Submit and publish such reports as the Council directs;
(3) Employ or engage assistants, stenographers and other persons or research agencies, subject to the approval of the Council;
(4) Assist any member of the General Assembly with respect to present or prospective legislation within the limits of the Director’s staff and budget.
(b) The Director of Research shall be the Secretary of the Council. The Director shall prepare the agenda for meetings pursuant to the direction of the Chairperson. The Director shall cause to be kept the minutes of the Council and shall submit a copy thereof to the members of the General Assembly within 15 days of each meeting of the Council.
29 Del. C. 1953, § 1107; 55 Del. Laws, c. 322; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1;