(a) It is the responsibility of the Government of the Virgin Islands to foster free competitive private enterprise and the investment of private capital.
(b) All Virgin Islanders able to work and seeking work are entitled to an opportunity for useful, remunerative, regular, and full-time employment, including self-employment in agriculture, commerce, industry or the professions.
(c) In order to assure the free exercise of the opportunity for employment set forth above and in order to—
(1) foster free competitive private enterprise and the investment of private capital;
(2) promote the general health and welfare of the Virgin Islands;
(3) foster the American home and American education as the foundation of the American way of life;
(4) raise the standard of living of the people of the Virgin Islands;
(5) provide adequate employment opportunities for returning veterans;
(6) develop trade and commerce among the several States and with foreign countries;
(7) maintain expanding markets for agricultural products and assure expanding income for agricultural enterprises;
(8) contribute to the economic development of underdeveloped areas of the country; and
(9) encourage and strengthen competitive small business enterprises—
- the Government of the Virgin Islands has the responsibility, with the assistance and concerted efforts of industry, agriculture and labor and consistent with the needs and obligations of the Government of the Virgin Islands to assure continuing full employment, that is, the existence at all times of sufficient employment opportunities for all Virgin Islanders able to work and seeking work.
(d) To that end the Government of the Virgin Islands shall, in cooperation with industry, agriculture, labor, and others, develop and pursue a consistent and carefully planned economic program with respect to, but not limited to, taxation, banking and credit, monopoly and monopolistic practices, wages, hours, and working conditions, agriculture, education, housing, social security, natural resources, the provision of public services, works, and research, and other revenue, investment, expenditure, service, or regulatory activities of the Government of the Virgin Islands. Such program shall, among other things—
(1) stimulate, encourage, and assist private enterprises to provide, through an expanding production and distribution of goods and services, the largest feasible volume of employment opportunities;
(2) provide for an income for the aged sufficient to enable them to maintain a decent and healthful standard of living, and promote the retirement from the labor force of the older citizens; and
(3) to the extent that continuing full employment cannot otherwise be attained, request such volume of Federal investments and expenditure as may be needed, in addition to the investment and expenditure by private enterprises, consumers, and municipal governments, to achieve the objective of continuing full employment. Federal investment and expenditure, whether direct or indirect, or whether for public works, for public services, for assistance to business, agriculture, home owners, veterans, or consumers, or for other purposes, shall be requested, designed to contribute to the insular wealth and well-being and to stimulate increased employment opportunities by private enterprises.