(a) Each agency and instrumentality of the Government to the extent practicable shall design and construct buildings to incorporate energy-efficiency measures to optimize solar heating for water heating. This section applies to new residential facilities built using any portion of government funds or located on government lands.
(b) Each agency and instrumentality of the Government shall purchase energy efficient equipment, such as “ENERGY STAR” products where available.
(c) With regard to motor vehicles and transportation fuel, each agency shall:
(1) purchase the most fuel-efficient vehicles that meet the needs of its activities;
(2) promote efficient operation of vehicles;
(3) use the most appropriate minimum octane fuel; and
(4) collect and maintain information on the performance of each vehicle regarding fuel-use in order to evaluate its efficiency.
(d) Subject to the exceptions in subsection (d)(4), the Director shall establish regulations, prescribing criteria for prescribing performance and quality standards.
(e) The Director may not prescribe performance and quality standards, unless the Director determines that there will be a reduction in fuel consumption as a result of such standards.
(f) The Department shall assist any individual or business that intends to construct energy savings and renewable or alternative energy systems by expediting the permitting process; the Commissioner may waive any permit fees for the installation of solar energy, wind turbine, or any renewable or alternative-energy system.