(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, the governing boards of four-year public colleges and universities, with the exception of those schools provided for in section twelve-d of this article, after first consulting with the West Virginia Investment Management Board and the state Board of Treasury Investments to determine what their estimated rate of return on investment, including administrative expenses, would be if the moneys to be invested with the foundation were instead to be invested with the Investment Management Board or the Board of Treasury Investments when compared to any estimated return on investment, including administrative expenses, provided by the foundation, each may invest certain funds with its respective nonprofit foundation that has been established to receive contributions exclusively for that institution and which exists on January 1, 2015. The investment is subject to the limitations of this section.
(b) A governing board, through its chief financial officer, may enter into agreements, approved as to form by the State Treasurer, for the investment by its foundation of certain funds subject to their administration. Any interest or earnings on the moneys invested is retained by the investing institution.
(c) Moneys of a four-year public college or university that may be invested with its foundation pursuant to this section are those subject to the administrative control of the institution and that do not include any funds made available to the institution from the state General Revenue Fund or the funds established in section eighteen or eighteen-a, article twenty-two, chapter twenty-nine of this code. Moneys permitted to be invested under this section may be aggregated in an investment fund for investment purposes.
(d) Of the moneys authorized for investment by this section, each four-year public college or university that may be invested with its foundation pursuant to this section, may have invested with its foundation at any time no more than $1 million excluding investment gains.
(e) Investments by foundations that are authorized under this section shall be made in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Uniform Prudent Investor Act, codified as article six-c, chapter forty-four of this code. As part of its fiduciary responsibilities, each governing board shall establish investment policies in accordance with the Uniform Prudent Investor Act for those moneys invested with its foundation. The governing board shall review, establish and modify, if necessary, the investment objectives as incorporated in its investment policies so as to provide for the financial security of the moneys invested with its foundation. The governing boards shall give consideration to the following:
(1) Preservation of capital;