- Notice of intended disposal by public sale shall be entered by the chief procurement officer in at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties in which disposal is to be made. The advertisement shall contain the manner in which interested parties can obtain information regarding the make, model, condition, and options which may be on the vehicle. Printed public notes shall be posted in at least two (2) public places in the county in which the vehicle was seized and confiscated, and one (1) of the public places shall be the courthouse. The advertisement shall give the date, time and place of the sale, and shall also contain information as to where the vehicle may be inspected prior to such sale. The day of the sale shall be held not less than seven (7) days nor more than fifteen (15) days from the day of the notice in the newspaper, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The sale shall be for cash and bids may be submitted in writing to the chief procurement officer at Nashville.
- Whenever any motor vehicle has been seized and confiscated and is to be disposed of under this part, the chief procurement officer shall determine the place of storage and location of sale. The chief procurement officer is hereby authorized in the chief procurement officer’s discretion to appoint or designate some suitable person to hold or conduct the sale as authorized hereunder. The chief procurement officer or such person designated to hold the sale is hereby authorized to reject any and all bids which might be received when, in the chief procurement officer’s opinion, the bid received is not commensurate with the fair market value of the vehicle offered for sale, and, in such instances, the vehicle shall be readvertised for sale.
- The property shall also be circularized to such persons, firms, and car dealers, who have indicated a desire to be notified when any motor vehicles are to be offered for sale.