The State Auditor and the State Treasurer may jointly establish a state-stored value debit card program known as the “West Virginia Pay Card” for recipients of employee payroll, retirement benefits, entitlement programs, vocational rehabilitation services funds disbursed pursuant to 18-10A-6 of this code, foster care and adoption stipends, subsidies, and other payments made under programs administered by the Department of Health and Human Resources, payments to contractors of the state, or other eligible payees of state funds, who do not possess a federally insured depository institution account. The State Auditor and the State Treasurer shall use every reasonable effort to encourage all identified unbanked recipients to obtain a federally insured depository account. The State Auditor shall include an unbanked recipient in the program upon determining that good cause exists. Once an unbanked recipient is included in the program, the State Auditor shall provide the State Treasurer with an electronic file containing the necessary unbanked recipient information. The State Treasurer shall issue a request for proposals in accordance with 12-3A-3 of this code to aid in the administration of the program. The State Auditor shall assist in the review of pay card proposals. In carrying out the purposes of this article, the State Treasurer shall not compete with banks or other federally insured financial institutions, or for profit.