(1) Except to the extent otherwise limited by the Adjutant General, a police officer appointed under this subchapter shall:
(A) Protect property;
(B) Preserve and maintain proper order and decorum;
(C) Prevent unlawful assemblies and disorderly conduct;
(D) Exclude and eject persons detrimental to the well-being of the military reservation;
(E) Prevent trespasses; and
(F) Regulate the operation and parking of motor vehicles upon and in all of the grounds, buildings, improvements, streets, alleys, and sidewalks of the military reservation.
(2) All of the duties of police officers listed in subdivision (a)(1) of this section apply equally on other real property that has all of the following characteristics:
(A) Adjoins a military reservation;
(B) Is owned, leased, or otherwise under the legal control of an instrumentality of the United States or an instrumentality of the State of Arkansas; and
(C) Is real property upon which the Adjutant General has undertaken to provide police or security services.
(1) The police officer may exercise police supervision on the following:
(A) Military reservations;
(B) Other real property that:
(i) Adjoins a military reservation;
(ii) Is owned, leased, or otherwise under the legal control of an instrumentality of the United States or an instrumentality of the State of Arkansas; and
(iii) Is real property upon which the Adjutant General has undertaken to provide police or security services.
(2) As a peace officer, the police officer may:
(A) Arrest, with or without warrant, any person upon or in the areas described in this subsection who is or is reasonably believed to be committing offense against any law of the State of Arkansas on the military reservation; and
(B) Deliver that person before any court of competent jurisdiction to be dealt with according to law.
(3) The police officer may summon a posse comitatus, if necessary.