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Home » US Law » 2022 New York Laws » Consolidated Laws » ABC - Alcoholic Beverage Control » Article 8 - General Provisions » Expiration Date: 07/01/1993 » 123 – Injunction for Unlawful Manufacturing, Sale or Consumption of Liquor, Wine or Beer.
§ 123. Injunction  for  unlawful manufacturing, sale or consumption of
liquor, wine or beer. 1. (a) If any person shall engage  or  participate
or  be  about  to  engage or participate in the manufacturing or sale of
liquor, wine or beer in this state  without  obtaining  the  appropriate
license  therefor,  or shall traffic in liquor, wine or beer contrary to
any provision of this chapter, or otherwise unlawfully, or shall traffic
in illegal liquor, wine or beer, or, operating a  place  for  profit  or
pecuniary  gain,  with  a  capacity for the assemblage of twenty or more
persons, shall permit a person or persons  to  come  to  such  place  of
assembly for the purpose of consuming alcoholic beverages without having
the  appropriate  license  therefor  pursuant to section sixty-four-b of
this chapter, the liquor authority or any taxpayer residing in the city,
village or town in which such activity is or is about to be  engaged  or
participated in or such traffic is being conducted, or the city, town or
village,  may  present  a verified petition or complaint to a justice of
the supreme court at a special term of the supreme court of the judicial
district in which such city, village or town is situated, for  an  order
enjoining such person engaging or participating in such activity or from
carrying  on  such business.  Such petition or complaint shall state the
facts upon which such application is based. Upon the presentation of the
petition or complaint,  the  justice  or  court  shall  grant  an  order
requiring  such  person  to  appear  before  such justice or court at or
before a special term of the supreme court in such judicial district  on
the  day  specified  therein,  not more than ten days after the granting
thereof, to show  cause  why  such  person  should  not  be  permanently
enjoined  from  engaging  or  participating  in  such  activity  or from
carrying on such business, or why such person  should  not  be  enjoined
from  carrying  on  such  business  contrary  to  the provisions of this
chapter. A copy of such petition or complaint and order shall be  served
upon  the  person,  in  the manner directed by such order, not less than
three days before the return day thereof.  On the day specified in  such
order,  the  justice  or  court before whom the same is returnable shall
hear the proofs of the parties and may, if deemed necessary  or  proper,
take  testimony  in  relation  to  the  allegations  of  the petition or
complaint. If the justice or court is  satisfied  that  such  person  is
about  to  engage  or  participate  in the unlawful traffic in alcoholic
beverages or has unlawfully manufactured or sold liquor,  wine  or  beer
without  having obtained a license or contrary to the provisions of this
chapter, or has trafficked in illegal  liquor,  wine  or  beer,  or,  is
operating  or  is  about  to  operate such place for profit or pecuniary
gain, with such capacity, and has permitted or  is  about  to  permit  a
person  or  persons to come to such place of assembly for the purpose of
consuming alcoholic beverages without having such  appropriate  license,
an order shall be granted enjoining such person from thereafter engaging
or  participating in or carrying on such activity or business. If, after
the entry of such an order in the county clerk's office of the county in
which  the  principal  place  of  business   of   the   corporation   or
copartnership is located, or in which the individual so enjoined resides
or  conducts  such business, and the service of a copy thereof upon such
person, or such substituted  service  as  the  court  may  direct,  such
person,  copartnership or corporation shall, in violation of such order,
manufacture or sell liquor, wine or beer, or illegal  liquor,  wine,  or
beer,  or  permit  a person or persons to come to such place of assembly
for the purpose of consuming alcoholic beverages, such activity shall be
deemed a contempt of court and be punishable in the manner  provided  by
the  judiciary law, and, in addition to any such punishment, the justice
or court before whom or which the petition or complaint is  heard,  may,
in  his  or  its  discretion,  order  the  seizure and forfeiture of any

liquor, wine or beer and any fixtures, equipment and  supplies  used  in
the  operation or promotion of such illegal activity, including any bar,
bar or refrigeration equipment, vending machines,  gaming  machines  and
jukeboxes,  and such property shall be subject to forfeiture pursuant to
the provisions of subdivision two of  this  section.    Costs  upon  the
application  for  such injunction may be awarded in favor of and against
the parties thereto in such sums as in the discretion of the justice  or
court  before  whom or which the petition or complaint is heard may seem

(b) The owner, lessor and lessee of a building, erection or place where alcoholic beverages are unlawfully manufactured, sold, consumed or permitted to be unlawfully manufactured, sold or consumed may be made respondents or defendants in the proceeding or action. 2. (a) This seized property shall be delivered by the peace officer, acting pursuant to his special duties or police officer having made the seizure to the custody of the authority or the district attorney of the county wherein the seizure was made as may be directed by the court, except that in the cities of New York and Buffalo, the seized property shall be delivered to the custody of the authority or of the police department of such cities, together with a report of all the facts and circumstances of the seizure.

(b) It shall be the duty of the authority or such district attorney or, if the seizure was made in the cities of New York or Buffalo, of the authority or corporation counsel of such city, as the case may be, to inquire into the facts of the seizure so reported and if it appears probable that a forfeiture has been incurred, for the determination of which the institution of proceedings in the supreme court is necessary, to cause the proper proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted, at any time after thirty days from the date of seizure, to declare such forfeiture, unless, upon inquiry and examination the authority or such person, as the case may be, decides that such proceedings can not probably be sustained or that the ends of public justice do not require that they should be instituted or prosecuted, in which case, the authority or such person shall cause such seized property to be returned to the owner thereof.

(c) Notice of the institution of the forfeiture proceeding shall be served either (i) personally on the owners of the seized property or (ii) by registered mail to the owners' last known address and by publication of the notice once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper published or circulated in the county wherein the seizure was made.

(d) Forfeiture shall not be adjudged where the owners established by preponderance of the evidence that (i) the use of such seized property was not intentional on the part of any owner, or (ii) said seized property was used by any person other than an owner thereof, while such seized property was unlawfully in the possession of a person who acquired possession thereof in violation of the criminal laws of the United States, or of any state.

(e) The authority or such person having custody of the seized property, after such judicial determination of forfeiture, shall, by a public notice of at least five days, sell such forfeited property at public sale. The net proceeds of any such sale, after deduction of the lawful expenses incurred, shall be paid into the general fund of the county wherein the seizure was made except that the net proceeds of the sale of property seized in the cities of New York and Buffalo shall be paid into the respective general funds of such cities.

(f) Whenever any person interested in any property which is seized and declared forfeited under the provisions of this section files with a justice of the supreme court a petition for the recovery of such forfeited property, the justice of the supreme court may restore said forfeited property upon such terms and conditions as he deems reasonable and just, if the petitioner establishes either of the affirmative defenses set forth in paragraph (d) of subdivision two of this section and that the petitioner was without personal or actual knowledge of the forfeiture proceeding. If the petition be filed after the sale of the forfeited property, any judgment in favor of the petitioner shall be limited to the net proceeds of such sale, after deduction of the lawful expenses and costs incurred by the seizing party.

(g) No suit or action under this section for wrongful seizure shall be instituted unless such suit or action is commenced within two years after the time when the property was seized.