(a) Each healthcare provider and health care facility shall report in an electronic format or any other format requested by the Registry each new case of a reportable neoplasm to the Registry not later than 180 days after the date of diagnosis or date of first contact with the already diagnosed patient.
(b) Private or public pathology laboratories, clinical laboratories, and dermatopathologists shall report to the Registry every pathology, cytology, bone marrow and autopsy report, pathological reviews, tumor markers, molecular studies, and any other report that is consistent with a clinical or pathological diagnosis or contributes in determining the stage of the disease at the time of diagnosis of the reportable neoplasm in an electronic format or in a format requested by the Registry not later than 30 days after the diagnosis or test.
(c) If an entity fails to provide the required information in the format or within the time specified, or if the data is of unacceptable quality, the Commissioner of Health may enter the facility to obtain the information. When this happens, the entity shall reimburse the Registry for the cost associated with obtaining and reporting the information.
(d) Each report submitted to the Registry must contain:
(1) the patient’s date and place of birth; sex; race; ethnicity; marital status; usual occupation and industry;
(2) the date of diagnosis;
(3) topography;
(4) histology; including the type involved in the reportable neoplasm;
(5) characteristic of the reportable neoplasm – the behavior, differentiation grade, size; stage of the reportable neoplasm at the time of diagnosis;
(6) the cancer directed first course of treatment;
(7) the name of the health care facility or health care provider; and
(8) other information required by any of the Central Cancer Registry Standard-Setting Organizations.