US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


  • (a) Cancer case data may be shared with cancer researchers or federal cancer control agencies for the purposes of cancer prevention, control, and research upon the submittal of documentation to the Registry providing that research in cancer prevention or control is ongoing or approval for such research has been granted. If applicable, the Registry shall also request evidence of compliance with the requirements of 45 CFR Part 46.

  • (b) The Registry may share statistical compilations of the cancer case data with state cancer registries and federal cancer control agencies for the following reasons:

    • (1) to perform studies on the sources and causes of cancer;

    • (2) to provide key clues about the possible cause of cancer;

    • (3) to provide insight when a particular environmental carcinogen is suspected;

    • (4) to track the changing patterns of cancer incidence; and

    • (5) for any other clinical, epidemiological, or other cancer research.