13.08.010 Commitment to state training school.
[(i) 1905 c 19 § 1; 1891 c 103 § 1; RRS § 1980. (ii) 1913 c 111 § 1; 1905 c 19 § 3; 1891 c 103 § 7; RRS § 1986. (iii) 1909 c 97 p 257 § 3; RRS § 4626.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Commitment to state school for girls.
[(i) 1905 c 19 § 1; 1891 c 103 § 1; RRS § 1980. (ii) 1913 c 111 § 1; 1905 c 19 § 3; 1891 c 103 § 7; RRS § 1986. (iii) 1909 c 97 p 257 § 3; RRS § 4626. (iv) 1913 c 157 § 6; RRS § 4636.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Commitment when found guilty of crime.
[1909 c 249 § 24; RRS § 2276. Prior: 1905 c 19 § 1; 1891 c 103 § 1.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Commitment cannot be modified or revoked.
[1913 c 157 § 6, part; RRS § 4636, part.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Copy of commitment under seal to institution head.
[(i) 1909 c 97 p 257 § 3; RRS § 4626. (ii) 1905 c 19 § 1; 1891 c 103 § 1; RRS § 1980.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Memorandum of age, residence, etc. — Expense of transportation.
[(i) 1891 c 103 § 5; RRS § 1984. (ii) 1913 c 157 § 7; RRS § 4637.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Discharge releases all penalties.
[1913 c 111 § 1; RRS § 1986. Prior: 1891 c 103 § 7; 1905 c 19 § 3.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 §
Commitment of juvenile offenders — 1891 act
13.08.080 Commitment of delinquent or dependent boys and girls.
[1905 c 19 § 1; 1891 c 103 § 1; RRS § 1980. Formerly RCW 13.08.010, part, 13.08.020, part, and 13.08.050, part.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Conviction in inferior court — Order to show cause in superior court.
[1905 c 19 § 2; 1891 c 103 § 2; RRS § 1981.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Conviction in inferior court — Service of order — Fees.
[1891 c 103 § 3; RRS § 1982.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Conviction in inferior court — Examination — Hearing — Commitment.
[1891 c 103 § 4; RRS § 1983.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Warrant of commitment — Statement of complaint — Transportation expense.
[1891 c 103 § 5; RRS § 1984. Formerly RCW 13.08.060, part.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Review.
[1891 c 103 § 6; RRS § 1985.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Term of confinement — Effect of discharge.
[1913 c 111 § 1; RRS § 1986. Prior: 1905 c 19 § 3; 1891 c 103 § 7. Formerly RCW 13.08.010, part, 13.08.020, part, and 13.08.070.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 §
Commitment of juvenile offenders — 1909 school code
13.08.150 Commitment of delinquent or dependent boys and girls.
[1909 c 97 p 257 § 3; RRS § 4626. Formerly RCW 13.08.010, part, 13.08.020, part, and 13.08.050, part.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 §
Commitment of juvenile offenders — 1909 criminal code
13.08.160 Commitment to Washington state training school.
[1909 c 249 § 24; RRS § 2276. Prior: 1905 c 19 § 1; 1891 c 103 § 1.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 §
Commitment of delinquent girls —
1913 act establishing state school for girls
13.08.170 Commitment of delinquent girls.
[1913 c 157 § 6; RRS § 4636. Formerly RCW 13.08.020, part, and 13.08.040.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § Memorandum of age, residence, etc.
[1913 c 157 § 7; RRS § 4637.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 §
Commitment to division of children
and youth services — Institutional placement
13.08.190 Commitment to division of children and youth services — Notices to court of institutional placement.
[1961 c 302 §§ 11, 12; 1959 c 251 § 2; 1957 c 297 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 13.04.200 pursuant to 1961 c 302 §§ 11, Petition to review decision on placement.
[1957 c 297 § 5.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § 17. Later enactment, see RCW Court may change, modify, set aside supervisor’s decision on placement — Grounds — Appeal to supreme court.
[1957 c 297 § 6.]
Repealed by 1961 c 302 § 17. Later enactment, see RCW 13.04.220.