- There is hereby created in the state treasury the underfunded courthouse facility cash fund that consists of any moneys appropriated by the general assembly to the fund. The moneys in the fund are subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly for the implementation of this part 3. The state court administrator may accept gifts, grants, or donations from any private or public source for the purpose of implementing this part 3. All private and public moneys received by the state court administrator from gifts, grants, or donations must be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the fund in addition to any moneys that may be appropriated to the fund directly by the general assembly. All investment earnings derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the fund remain in the fund and may not be transferred or revert to the general fund at the end of any fiscal year. Any unexpended and unencumbered moneys remaining in the fund at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not be credited or transferred to the general fund or any other fund.
- Moneys from the fund that are distributed to counties pursuant to this part 3 may only be used for commissioning master planning services, matching funds or leveraging grant funding opportunities for construction or remodeling projects, or addressing emergency needs due to the imminent closure of a court facility. Moneys from the fund may not be allocated for the purchase of furniture, fixtures, or equipment or as the sole source of funding for new construction. Moneys from the fund may not be allocated as the sole source of funding for remodeling, unless the need for funding is associated with the imminent closure of a court facility.
- All moneys credited to the fund shall be available for grants awarded by the state court administrator, based on recommendations of the commission, to counties for the purposes described in this part 3; except that the state court administrator may use a portion of the moneys annually appropriated from the fund for administrative costs incurred through the implementation of this part 3. The state court administrator, subject to annual appropriation by the general assembly, may expend moneys appropriated from the fund pursuant to this part 3.
Source: L. 2014: Entire part added, (HB 14-1096), ch. 186, p. 694, § 1, effective May 14.