Garnishee summons issued upon writs of attachment and execution shall be served upon the officer of such state, municipal corporation, quasi-municipal corporation, or board or commission thereof, whose duty it is to issue warrants, checks, or money for the payment to any officer, employee, or other person whose salary, wages, earnings, or money due him is sought to be held. Service of such garnishee summons on such officer shall be made by leaving a copy thereof with him personally or, in the event of his absence from his office, then by leaving a copy thereof in his office with the chief clerk, deputy, or other employee of the office then in charge thereof.
Source: L. 27: p. 375, § 3. Code 35: § 132C. CRS 53: § 77-12-3. C.R.S. 1963: § 77-12-3.
Cross references: For personal service in state, see C.R.C.P. 4(e).