- The general assembly finds and declares that:
- Due to incapacity, some adults in Colorado are unable to meet essential requirements for their health or personal care;
- Private guardianship is not an option for such an adult when:
- No responsible family members or friends are available and appropriate to serve as a guardian; and
- He or she lacks adequate resources to compensate a private guardian and pay the costs associated with an appointment proceeding;
- Volunteer and public service programs are currently inadequate to provide legal guardianship services to indigent and incapacitated adults in Colorado;
- Colorado courts struggle to address the needs of indigent and incapacitated adults who lack the resources to provide for their own guardianship needs; and
- Without a system providing legal guardianship services to indigent and incapacitated adults, the courts are left with few options for addressing these adults’ needs.
- In establishing the office of public guardianship, the general assembly intends:
- That the office will:
- Provide guardianship services to indigent and incapacitated adults who:
- Have no responsible family members or friends who are available and appropriate to serve as a guardian;
- Lack adequate resources to compensate a private guardian and pay the costs associated with an appointment proceeding; and
- Are not subject to a petition for appointment of guardian filed by a county adult protective services unit or otherwise authorized by section 26-3.1-104; and
- Gather data to help the general assembly determine the need for, and the feasibility of, a statewide office of public guardianship; and
- Provide guardianship services to indigent and incapacitated adults who:
- That the office is a pilot program, to be evaluated and then continued, discontinued, or expanded at the discretion of the general assembly in 2023.
- That the office will:
- In creating the office of public guardianship, it is also the intention of the general assembly to:
- Treat liberty and autonomy as paramount values for all state residents;
- Authorize public guardianship only to the extent necessary to provide for health or safety when the legal conditions for appointment of a guardian are met;
- Permit incapacitated adults to participate as fully as possible in all decisions that affect them;
- Assist incapacitated adults to regain or develop their capacities to the maximum extent possible;
- Promote the availability of guardianship services for adults who need them and for whom adequate services may otherwise be unavailable;
- Maintain and not alter or expand judicial authority to determine that any adult is incapacitated; and
- Maintain and not alter or expand any authority vested in the state department of human services and county departments of human or social services.
Source: L. 2017: Entire article added, (HB 17-1087), ch. 319, p. 1714, § 1, effective June 5. L. 2021: (2)(b) amended, (SB 21-267), ch. 276, p. 1598, § 1, effective June 21.