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§  1340.  Alcoholic  beverages.  1.  Notwithstanding  any  law  to the
contrary, the authority to grant any license or permit for, or to permit
or prohibit the presence of, alcoholic beverages in, on,  or  about  any
premises licensed by the commission as part of a gaming facility, or in,
on,  or about any Indian gaming facility, shall exclusively be vested in
the commission. As  used  in  this  section,  the  term  "Indian  gaming
facility"  shall  mean  a  premises  duly  authorized by a tribal gaming
authority to conduct class II gaming, class III gaming, or both, as such
terms are defined  in  25  USC  2703,  pursuant  to  the  Indian  Gaming
Regulatory  Act  of 1988, which includes a gaming area or areas, and any
other non-gaming structure related to the gaming  area  as  an  amenity,
including  but  not  limited  to hotels, restaurants, golf courses, golf
clubhouses and other amenities, where  such  premises  is  licensed  and
regulated  by  an  Indian  tribe  that  has elected commission oversight
pursuant to subdivision one-a of this section. This section shall not be
construed to apply to any provision of New  York  law  other  than  this
section, to any Indian gaming facility that would not otherwise apply to
the  Indian  gaming  facility  absent  this section, or to apply to this
section to any premises licensed and regulated by an Indian  tribe  that
has  not elected to be treated as an Indian gaming facility for purposes
of this section pursuant to subdivision one-a of this section.
  1-a. An Indian tribe may elect for the state  to  treat  all  premises
authorized  by  such tribe's tribal gaming authority to conduct class II
gaming, class III gaming, or both, as an Indian gaming facility for  the
purposes  of  licensure  and regulation under this section, by notifying
the commission and the state liquor authority, in writing, within  sixty
days  of  the  effective  date  of  this  subdivision,  that  it  elects
commission oversight pursuant to the provisions of  this  section.  Upon
receipt  of  notice  by  the  commission  that  a tribe has made such an
election under this subdivision, any premises authorized by such tribe's
tribal gaming authority to conduct class II gaming, class III gaming, or
both, shall be considered an  Indian  gaming  facility,  as  defined  in
subdivision  one  of this section, for purposes of this section, and the
commission  shall  assume  jurisdiction  over  all  alcoholic   beverage
licenses and permits previously issued with respect to any Indian gaming
facility  licensed  and  regulated by that tribe pursuant to subdivision
eleven of this section. As a condition of electing commission  oversight
pursuant  to  this  section,  an  Indian gaming facility shall expressly
commit in writing to follow the requirements imposed under this section,
to adhere to the regulations promulgated by the commission  pursuant  to
this  section,  and  to  submit  to the commission's enforcement of this
section and regulations  promulgated  thereunder  including  by  waiving
tribal  sovereign  immunity  for  the  sole  and limited purpose of such
enforcement of this section. An Indian gaming  facility  that  does  not
elect  commission  oversight in accordance with the requirements of this
section shall remain subject to any other applicable state law governing
the licensure and regulation of alcoholic beverages in, on, or about the
Indian gaming facility.
  2. Unless otherwise stated, and except  where  inconsistent  with  the
purpose  or  intent of this article or the common understanding of usage
thereof, definitions contained in the  alcoholic  beverage  control  law
shall  apply  to  this  section.  Any definition contained therein shall
apply to the same word in any form.
  3. Notwithstanding any provision of the alcoholic beverage control law
to the contrary, the commission shall have  the  functions,  powers  and
duties  of  the  state  liquor  authority  but  only with respect to the
issuance, renewal, transfer, suspension and revocation of  licenses  and
permits  for  the  sale  of alcoholic beverages at retail for on-premise

consumption by any holder of a gaming facility  license  issued  by  the
commission,   or  for  on-premises  consumption  at  any  Indian  gaming
facility, including, without limitation, the power to fine or penalize a
casino   or  Indian  gaming  facility  alcoholic  beverage  licensee  or
permittee; to  enforce  all  statutes,  laws,  rulings,  or  regulations
relating  to  such  license or permit; and to collect license and permit
fees and establish application standards therefor.
  4. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the provisions of the
alcoholic beverage control law and the  rules,  regulations,  bulletins,
orders,  and  advisories promulgated by the state liquor authority shall
apply to any gaming facility or Indian gaming facility holding a license
or permit to sell alcoholic beverages under this section.
  5. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the  commission  may
promulgate  any  regulations  and special rulings and findings as may be
necessary  for  the  proper  enforcement,  regulation,  and  control  of
alcoholic  beverages  in  gaming facilities and Indian gaming facilities
when the commission finds that the uniqueness  of  gaming  facility  and
Indian  gaming  facility operations and the public interest require that
such regulations, rulings, and findings are appropriate.
  6.  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of  law  to  the  contrary,   any
manufacturer or wholesaler licensed under the alcoholic beverage control
law  may,  as  authorized under the alcoholic beverage control law, sell
alcoholic beverages to a  gaming  facility  or  Indian  gaming  facility
holding  a  retail  license  or  permit  to sell alcoholic beverages for
consumption on the premises issued under this section,  and  any  gaming
facility or Indian gaming facility holding a retail license or permit to
sell  alcoholic  beverages  for consumption on the premises issued under
this section may, as authorized under  the  alcoholic  beverage  control
law,  purchase  alcoholic  beverages  from  a manufacturer or wholesaler
licensed under the alcoholic beverage control law.
  7. It shall be unlawful for any person, including any gaming  facility
or  Indian  gaming facility licensee, or any of their lessees, agents or
employees, to expose for sale, solicit or promote the sale  of,  possess
with  intent  to  sell,  sell,  give, dispense, or otherwise transfer or
dispose of alcoholic beverages in, on,  or  about  any  portion  of  the
premises  of  a  gaming  facility or Indian gaming facility, unless said
person possesses a license or permit issued under this section.
  8. It shall be unlawful for any person holding a license or permit  to
sell  alcoholic  beverages  under this section to expose, possess, sell,
give, dispense, transfer, or otherwise dispose of  alcoholic  beverages,
other  than  within  the terms and conditions of such license or permit,
the provisions of the alcoholic beverage  control  law,  the  rules  and
regulations  promulgated  by  the  state  liquor  authority,  and,  when
applicable,  the  regulations  promulgated  pursuant  to  this  article.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary the holder of
a  license  or  permit  issued  under  this section may be authorized to
provide complimentary alcoholic beverages under  regulations  issued  by
the commission.
  9.  In  issuing  a casino or Indian gaming facility alcoholic beverage
license or permit, the  commission  shall  describe  the  scope  of  the
particular  license  or  permit,  and  the  restrictions and limitations
thereon as it deems necessary and reasonable. The commission may,  in  a
single  casino  or  Indian  gaming  facility alcoholic beverage license,
permit the holder of such a license or permit to perform any or  all  of
the   following  activities,  subject  to  applicable  laws,  rules  and

(a) To sell any alcoholic beverage by the glass or other open receptacle including, but not limited to, an original container, for on-premise consumption within a facility; provided, however, that no alcoholic beverage shall be sold or given for consumption; delivered or otherwise brought to a patron; or consumed at a gaming table unless so requested by the patron.

(b) To sell any alcoholic beverage by the glass or other open receptacle for on-premise consumption within a gaming facility or Indian gaming facility.

(c) To sell any alcoholic beverage by the glass or other open receptacle or in original containers from a room service location within an enclosed room not in a gaming facility or Indian gaming facility; provided, however, that any sale of alcoholic beverages is delivered only to a guest room or to any other room in the gaming facility or Indian gaming facility authorized by the commission.

(d) To possess or to store alcoholic beverages in original containers intended but not actually exposed for sale at a fixed location on a gaming facility or Indian gaming facility premises, not in a gaming facility or Indian gaming facility; and to transfer or deliver such alcoholic beverages only to a location approved pursuant to this section; provided, however, that no access to or from a storage location shall be permitted except during the normal course of business by employees or agents of the licensee, or by licensed employees or agents of wholesalers or distributors licensed pursuant to the alcoholic beverage control law and any applicable rules and regulations; and provided further, however, that no provision of this section shall be construed to prohibit a casino or Indian gaming facility alcoholic beverage licensee from obtaining an off-site storage license from the state liquor authority. 10. The commission may revoke, suspend, refuse to renew or refuse to transfer any casino or Indian gaming facility alcoholic beverage license or permit, and may fine or penalize the holder of any alcoholic beverage license or permit issued under this section for violations of any provision of the alcoholic beverage control law, the rules and regulations promulgated by the state liquor authority, and the regulations promulgated by the commission. 11. Jurisdiction over all alcoholic beverage licenses and permits previously issued with respect to the gaming facility or Indian gaming facility is hereby vested in the commission, which in its discretion shall by regulation, rule, or policy promptly provide for the conversion thereof into a casino or Indian gaming facility alcoholic beverage license or permit as provided in this section. This section shall not be construed to affect the validity of any existing licenses and permits previously issued to an Indian gaming facility by the state liquor authority, or the continuation of any administrative actions or proceedings commenced by the state liquor authority prior to the effective date of the chapter of the laws of 2019 that amended this section. Any such license or permit previously issued to an Indian gaming facility by the state liquor authority shall remain valid until the date that such license or permit is duly converted pursuant to this subdivision into a license or permit issued by the commission, and the commission shall assume exclusive jurisdiction over any such previously issued license or permit, and over any such previously commenced administrative actions or proceedings. 12. (a) Prior to issuing any license under this section, the commission, or its designee, shall consult with the state liquor authority, or its designee, to confirm that such application and such gaming facility or Indian gaming facility conforms with all applicable provisions of the alcoholic beverage control law, and all applicable rules, regulations, bulletins, orders and advisories promulgated by the state liquor authority;

(b) Prior to commencing enforcement actions against any gaming facility or Indian gaming facility licensed under this section, the commission, or its designee, shall consult with the state liquor authority, or its designee, with respect to the application of the applicable provisions of the alcoholic beverage control law, and all applicable rules, regulations, bulletins, orders and advisories promulgated by the state liquor authority on the alleged conduct of such licensee; and

(c) The commission, or its designee, shall consult with the state liquor authority, or its designee, on a regular basis, but no less than once every three months, regarding any pending applications and enforcement matters.