- The general assembly finds and declares that in most situations it is important to the healthy development of children that the children spend quality time with both parents. The general assembly further finds that due to dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and children born to single parents, families are often divided. As a result, many children do not have the opportunity to spend the time with both parents that a court may have determined is in their best interests.
- The general assembly further finds that the federal “Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996”, Public Law 104-193, allows states to seek grants of federal funds for the establishment and administration of programs and to support and facilitate children’s access to time with their noncustodial parent.
- It is the purpose of this article to enhance children’s opportunities for access to their parent with whom the child does not reside the majority of the time pursuant to court order in compliance with any orders entered in that regard. To that end, the general assembly hereby determines that it is appropriate for the state to seek the federal grant described in section 391 of the federal “Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996”, Public Law 104-193, in order to explore alternative methods by which to support and facilitate a child’s access to and time with his or her parent with whom the child does not reside the majority of the time in contested parenting time proceedings.
Source: L. 97: Entire article added, p. 972, § 2, effective August 6. L. 98: (3) amended, p. 1400, § 47, effective February 1, 1999. L. 2018: (1) amended, (SB 18-095), ch. 96, p. 754, § 9, effective August 8.
Cross references: For the legislative declaration in SB 18-095, see section 1 of chapter 96, Session Laws of Colorado 2018.