Sec. 4. (a) Upon receiving an order from the bureau under IC 31-25-4-32(j) or IC 31-25-4-34(e), the director shall place on probationary status any license issued under IC 14-22-12, IC 14-22-16, IC 14-22-19, IC 14-24-7, or IC 14-31-3 and held by the person who is the subject of the order. The director shall send the person a notice that does the following:
(1) States that the person’s license has been placed on probationary status.
(2) States that the person’s license will be suspended if the director has not received notice from the bureau under IC 31-25-4-32(m) or IC 31-25-4-34(g) within twenty (20) days after the date of the notice.
(b) If the director has not received notice from the bureau under IC 31-25-4-32(m) or IC 31-25-4-34(g) within twenty (20) days after the date of the notice in subsection (a), the director shall suspend the license issued to the person under IC 14-22-12, IC 14-22-16, IC 14-22-19, IC 14-24-7, or IC 14-31-3.
(c) The director may not reinstate a license placed on probationary status or suspended under this section until the director receives a notice from the bureau under IC 31-25-4-32(m) or IC 31-25-4-34(g) that the person has addressed the delinquency.
As added by P.L.257-1997(ss), SEC.28. Amended by P.L.145-2006, SEC.131; P.L.103-2007, SEC.6; P.L.123-2014, SEC.1; P.L.150-2018, SEC.7; P.L.141-2022, SEC.6.