Sec. 1. (a) The governors’ portraits collection is placed in the custody of the Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation (IC 4-37-2-1). The collection shall be permanently displayed in public areas of the state house under the supervision of the Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation, which is charged with its care and maintenance.
(b) The chief executive officer of the Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation shall inspect each painting in the collection annually in the company of one (1) or more experts in the field of art conservation selected by the chief executive officer of the Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation.
(c) After the inauguration of each governor, the chief executive officer of the Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation, with the concurrence of the governor, shall select and commission an artist to paint the governor’s portrait. The portrait must be hung in the permanent collection immediately following the completion and acceptance of the portrait by the chief executive officer of the Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation and the governor.
(d) The Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation shall include in its budget requests the amount the Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation considers necessary to:
(1) provide for the proper care, maintenance, and display of the governors’ portraits collection; and
(2) commission the painting of an oil portrait of each governor for the collection.
The Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation may use appropriated funds or any other funds provided for these purposes.
(e) The chief executive officer of the Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation, in discharging the duties under this section, shall use the appropriate cultural and technical resources of the state, including the department, Indiana historical bureau, and the Indiana department of administration.
As added by P.L.69-2009, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.167-2011, SEC.27.