Sec. 10. (a) Notwithstanding any law in this article, the commission may adjust a license and permit fee, including an application fee, in an amount that is above the minimum fee established under the following:
(1) Section 4 of this chapter (Licenses and permits written by the director).
(2) IC 14-22-9-10 (Aquatic vegetation control).
(3) IC 14-22-13-1 (Commercial fishing).
(4) IC 14-22-13-2 (Commercial fishing on the Ohio River).
(5) IC 14-22-13-2.5 (Roe harvester or dealer).
(6) IC 14-22-15-2 (Fishing guide).
(7) IC 14-22-15.5-3 (Hunting guide).
(8) IC 14-22-16-1 (Bait dealer).
(9) IC 14-22-19-2 (Fur buyer).
(10) IC 14-22-20-1 (Game breeder).
(11) IC 14-22-21-2 (Taxidermist).
(12) IC 14-22-22-2 (Scientific purposes).
(13) IC 14-22-23-3 (Falconry).
(14) IC 14-22-24-2 (Field trials).
(15) IC 14-22-25-3 (Fish and wild animal importation).
(16) IC 14-22-26-4 (Wild animal possession).
(17) IC 14-22-27-2 (Fish stocking).
(18) IC 14-22-31-2 (Private shooting preserve).
(b) Before adopting fees under this section, the commission shall consider the amount that is reasonably necessary to generate revenue sufficient to offset the costs incurred in carrying out the department’s responsibilities and operating any related programs.
(c) A fee that is submitted with an application for a license or permit listed under subsection (a) is not refundable.
As added by P.L.195-2017, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.154-2019, SEC.2; P.L.141-2022, SEC.7.